Legion of Literacy

By: Albert Lai

On: October 9th, 2006

Legion of Literacy

It is with mild trepidation I unveil my own, personal project, Legion
of Literacy
, a website that provides a place for amateur developers and
wanna-be developers alike to congregate and do what they do best laze around
create a game! It is oriented more towards the people who are unable to find
a team to work together, rather than established coders and designers who have
no trouble getting a team together (though they’re welcome too!)

The idea is that game proposals are submitted to the main forum, and then developers
(artists, coders, writers, etc.) sign up for the ideas that they wouldn’t mind
working on. It’s all hopelessly utopian and I do a better job explaining it
on the site than in this tiny box of text.

Most of the framework had been laid down, and only a community separates this
website from bleak abandonment and hasty abandonment!

  • Albert’s Dad


  • Albert’s Sister

    Tell Derek I said hi.

  • Albert’s Cantankerous Neighbour

    Get your website off my damn lawn.

  • Albert’s Prince Albert

    Think about me once and a while!

  • Sergio is unrelated to Albert


  • Sergio’s English Literature Professor

    What a clichéd thing to write.

  • http://www.tscreative.net BMcC

    I think this is cool, Albert!

    Dunno what’s goin’ on with these comments, though.

  • Sergio

    Hah! I don’t HAVE an English Literature Professor.