By: Tim

On: October 22nd, 2006


Since BMcC let the proverbial cat out of the bag, here’s another community project that has been going on for about a year now. Anyone can participate in the development of SPHINX, though there’s plenty of work left to do as the massive project will span over four episodes in total.

Design and production are actively discussed in the forums, while an outline for the first chapter has already been written. Background artists have a handy style guide to refer to.

With more progress, the act one might see a release some time next year.

  • http://www.TScreative.net BMcC

    Ooh, this is very interesting!

    I’m curious to see how successful this open community style of development can realistically be.

    Are there any other “pure” games being made this way?

  • tim w

    i would link them, but most are all talk. :)

  • http://www.TScreative.net BMcC

    Haha, I see…