
By: Shabadage

On: November 22nd, 2006

BloodmastersWith a name like Bloodmasters, it sounds like an action game; and fortunately, it’s a pretty solid one as well. Taking the classic top down approach; Bloodmasters supports Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag and Scavenger game modes. (Be warned, Scavenger mode is pretty bleh). Now, you will need the .NET framework and DirectX 9c to play this game, just so you know.

I should also point out that this game supports custom maps build using the Doombuilder mapping software. I’ve played a few rounds online, and while it’s not going to be replacing Xops as my favorite online action game; it’s a nice break from the standard FPS online games.

  • Teeth

    You have semi-colon issues!

  • juice

    Mmm – it reminds me of Loaded – one of my favourite PSX games:)

    Shame it appears to be online multiplayer only (though I haven’t looked at the manual yet) – it’d be quite nice to have a single-player or co-op mode.

    Hordes of zombies, meet mr shotgun. Always good for a laugh:)

  • PoV

    Q: When someone says “Bloodmasters”, what do you think of?

    A: Blood Cars… cars that bleed. People I’ve worked with have suggested some weird things.

  • Scruffy

    dude this is a kick ass mutliplayer game try “phun phun”