Temple of the Roguelike

By: Derek Yu

On: May 22nd, 2007

Rogue Temple

Our pal Slashie (aka Santiago Zapata) has created a new site for Roguelike news, called Temple of the Roguelike. So far it’s off to a great start, with Slash updating regularly and posting about Roguelikes which I doubt have seen much press outside of a few small circles. There’s even an interview with Glenn Wichman, the creator of Rogue!

All I gotta say is keep going, Slash! Keep going!

  • Rz.

    the damned site won’t load for me, which pisses me off because i <3 roguelikes. it seems i'm the only one who this happens too, also. :(

  • Radix

    the dev stuff looks interesting, but I really don’t need another soul-stealing game right now.
    must… stay… away…

  • http://codemonkey.dotsrc.org/blog ABCGi

    Great site and great interview with one of the creators of the original Rogue, that started it all.

  • http://travis.dixon.net.au trav

    nice site, I would love to read the interview IF THE FONT DIDN’T MAKE MY EYES BLEED!

    Bold white italics on a black background makes baby jesus cry!

  • Radix

    Really? I had no difficulty reading it. You might need your monitor or your eyes checked.

    Or, you know. Page Style->No Style.