Crayon Physics

By: Derek Yu

On: June 13th, 2007

Crayon Physics

A bit slow on the uptake with this one, but Kloonigames (aka Petri Purho) has released a wonderful game: Crayon Physics. Hot on the heels of Joakim Sandberg’s drawing shmup, Chalk, Crayon Physics lets you draw physical objects to help a little red ball collect stars.

Think Armadillo Run with drawing, and you kinda got it. Crayon Physics is must more simple, though, which is something that works to the game’s credit, I think. The idea is great, and it’s so well put together… it’s really like magic how easily the game pulls you in from the opening tutorial level.

The only problems with this game are a) the ugly black font on the title screen, and b) the lack of levels (only seven at the time of writing). But good news! A level editor is on its way (possibly). Go, Petri, go!

  • jkd

    Pretty cool. Waaay too short, though.

    I think it might be better if it didn’t let you draw boxes that intersect other objects, because when you that, the simulation tends to blow up.

  • Neon

    is it worth the download, any one?

  • konjak

    Sure looks better than my game.

    Not gonna try the game today though!

  • isador21

    Awesome! I want mooore!

  • Petri Purho

    Thanks for blogging the game.

    The black font on the title screen was supposed to be a place holder, but I forgot it there. Thanks for reminding me :)

    @konjak: Crayon Physics is no were near the polish and quality of Chalk. Chalk is a real game and Crayon Physics is more like an ugly prototype. So my congrats on making Chalk, it’s amazing.

  • haowan

    Really very good for a game made in a week! I wished I was able to draw triangles though, I think that was the main thing that I wanted to do but couldn’t and got in my way a bit.

  • nullerator

    “Think Armadillo Run with drawing, and you kinda got it.”

    Damn, that’s evil. Now I HAVE to download it. And I was going to finish FEAR today :-/

  • haowan

    It won’t take you long to play through and it’s definitely worth checking out.

  • fish

    argh, i wanna try to so bad but for some reason it wont do anything on my PC. nothing at all. god damn i hate PCs.

    on a more positive note, i met Petri at the EGS at GDC and he’s all kinds of awesome.

    you guys should check out his parody of ron humble’s the mariage… Petri Purho’s the divorce.

  • papamook

    I’m a huge fan of this prototype as it shows so much potential and the news of crayon being extended has seriously brightened up an otherwise dull week for me, great great news.

  • BenH

    I really hope this gets made into a full game, I love puzzles which don’t have a single definitive solution!