Forbidden Love

By: ARelativelyHotGirl

On: August 23rd, 2007


“Sandra Richardson … fits the mold of the new gamer. The 55-year-old Bloomington, Ill., resident started playing online casual games about a year and a half ago when her kids left home.

She’s bought 40 online casual games so far…"

(San Jose Mercury News)

“For males, you are probably going to want to look for games involving challenge.”

“men like games where you destroy things”

“Everything degrading women will also pretty much ensure it has a male audience.”


  • papamook

    which bit of it is forbidden again?

  • Wrestlevania

    The “bought 40 online casual games so far” bit – that should be banned.

  • I Like Cake

    I was going to write something about self-reinforcing gender stereotypes, but then I got caught up in watching football, hating ‘the gays,’ and hitting people who are smaller than me.

  • Secrets

    Many 20-30 year old game developers are making games that appeal to 40-60 year old women, because society will only accept their lust if its transmitted through harmless looking entertainment.

  • I Like Cake

    In all seriousness, that IndieGamer thread made me feel a bit sick to my stomach. Who knew the indie gaming community housed so many bigots?

  • Raincoatduck

    Wait, men aren’t supposed to play Super Barbie Sparkle Princess Pony Glitter Happy Time?

    Oh god, what have I been doing all this time!?!

  • !CE-9

    in reply to the IG thread I was gonna say that I’ve already known that 97% (and rising) of people are absorbed in their minds up to a level of crypto-fascism (or yeah, bigotry, to say the least) — then I’ve caught _myself_ absorbed in my mind! EW! git outta ‘ere!

    seriously, who cares? if one is so inclined on stereotypes, or quick (and wrong conclusions), or bitternes, or whatever but their own happiness, it’s their problem.

    now how about forgetting about gender stereotypes (blue bloody for the boys, pink fluffy for the girls), and making games for human beings?

  • HandCraftedRadio

    Yeah you are right. My next game is going to about cooking and washing the dishes AND going into dungeons to slay dragons. That way the target audience is everyone.

  • Secrets

    What about a game in which you casually destroy dishes?


  • Albert Lai

    I’m looking at that thread, and I thinking “That one of the most subtle trolls I have seen in a while!”

    Is the use of quotation marks correct there? I probably should’ve italicized it.

    Is there anything to be gained from operating a portal that’s ‘targeted to males’ as opposed to saying ‘targeted to people who enjoy good games’?

  • Pacian

    You gain:

    1. A community of insecure ‘men’s men’ who will inappopriately reassert their masculinity at every possible opportunity by ganging up on anyone who doesn’t fit into their narrow confines of acceptable behaviour for a given gender.

    2. Complete protection from cooties.

  • fish

    yes, not enough games targeting the 20-30 year old white middle-class males with power fantasies.

    what a joke.

  • matthew

    my favorite game for males is the one where you have plug your penis in with the usb adaptor and you get a point for everytime you don’t have two X chromosomes.

  • Rz.

    stfu guyz, it’s not like anyone is getting offended. after all, there’s no girls on the interbuttz.

  • Rz.

    stfu guyz, it’s not like anyone is getting offended. after all, there’s no girls on the interbuttz.

  • Eudaimon

    And thus begins the Casual Games Feminism movement.

    Also, Albert Lai: see Newgrounds.

  • Oddbob

    “What about a game in which you casually destroy dishes?

    WHAT THEN??”

    I buy it. Sounds ace! Get to it…

  • Pyabo

    Gimme a break… Some people need to get off their soap boxes.

    Men and women are different. This is a fact of life. Their brains are different. It is not sexist, bigoted, or even “crypto fascist” (WTF?) to point this out. You are not being a bigot when you attempt to create a game that will specifically appeal to one gender or the other.

    Nexic’s post was a joke.

    Look at Thorbrain’s hard data. You think this is just a result of self-imposed cultural stereotypes? If so, you may be an idiot.

  • Zetetic Elench

    Why would you be an idiot? Like, if you can bring some other points up, good for you, but Thorbrian’s data tells you *how* men and women behave, not *why*. From my brief skim reading (so I totally could have missed something) it also neglects things like age, which is important.

    I’d be interested to see what kind of differences – relevant to games – you’d ascribe to biological gender/sex differences.

  • Pacian

    “Men and women are different. This is a fact of life.”

    The average man is different from the average woman, certainly. But men come in all shapes and sizes, as do women, and there is *very obviously* a lot of crossover: we are able to do most of the same things.

    It’s fine to make a game portal about, say, blowing things up. But then to say that because the games there are all about blowing things up means that it is targeted at a specific group – Americans, for example – is only going to annoy the many non-Americans who like games about blowing things up, and the many Americans who prefer other types of game.

    Same if you replace ‘American’ with ‘male’. Why draw a circle around such a different group of people and pretend that they’re all the same? And that people outside that circle might not share the same interests?

  • I Like Cake

    If you can demonstrate, independant of socialization, that men and women have significant emotional or mental differences, I would love to hear about it. As for differences in ‘brains,’ they are physically indistinguishible, as you might know if your interest lay more in research and less in spittle-throwing polemic.

    However, I can point out examples in specific individuals and in entire cultures, contemporary and throughout history, who defy our modern social stereotypes, many of which, like men’s inability to maintain sexual fidelity, are quite recent, and are in fact reversals of previously held stereotypes even in the western world.

    “Thorbrain’s hard data,” whomever “Thorbrain” is, has no indication on whether or not its results are statistically significant. He specifies that they gave site users a series of personality questions ‘for fun.’ No indication is made of controlling factors or even the distribution of visitors by sex and background. This wouldn’t fool a first year stats student, and you have to be kidding if you think its results are remotely relevant to the discussion.

    Science: it works, bitches.

    How am I an idiot for accepting the simplest explanation, which is differences in socialization and role-modelling, for the issue of gender differences? Would you prefer that I accept your hocus-pocus untested, unproven theories of biology? Socialization accounts for all the historical and contemporary evidence for which biology does not, unless biological differences connected to the behavior of sexes can be found in people of other cultures which differentiate them from ourselves. It’s an argument towards extreme coincidence, really.

    You lay claim to “facts,” yet you fail to demonstrate argument except “men and women are different.” A conclusion is not an argument.

  • Raincoatduck

    Oh man, one time I was watching TV and like the man on a commercial didn’t want to ask for directions. AND THE WOMAN DID!

    How do men and women ever get along!?! It’s almost like we’re from different planets!

    Boys and girls are just raised very differently. Biological explanations for the differences between people don’t exactly have a great track record of being true… unless you subscribe to the idea of eugenics and the White Man’s Burden.

  • Zetetic Elench

    I Like Cake, you are so mislead! Can’t you see that men and women’s brains are simply being mutated over the centuries, leading to differing behaviour!

    By the radioactive meteor!

    In the sky!

    Sent by the reptiles!

  • Joseph


  • Calanctus

    Oh SNAP, Pyabo just got owned.

    I don’t really have anything to say, really, I Like Cake pretty much covered everything I was going to, and s/he did it in a much more hilarious fashion than I would have. Kudos to you, sir/madam.

  • Eudaimon

    Nature vs. Nurture ITT

    SPOILER: It’s really both.

  • Calanctus

    Of course it’s both, but saying that doesn’t really get us anywhere. The key is asking about *how much* or *what* each factor influences.

  • Twisted Rabbit

    lol @ that picture of “Use grenades to take out swarms of enemies” in the Pony Friends Display

  • Pyabo

    Cake, I think your science is behind the times. Here are the first two Google hits I came across:

    As for my lack of “facts”… I thought my statement was self-evident, but here’s a couple for you:
    1) men have penises, women do not!
    2) women have boobies, (most) men do not!
    3) women can have babies. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the only man to ever have a baby
    4) women are bad drivers

    Now then… number 4 is a satirical joke, in case anyone didn’t get that. “Women are bad drivers” is a sexist remark. This is not: “Given two games, one simple click-management with a gardening theme and another control heavy hand-to-hand combat set in feudal Japan, most women would probably prefer gardening.”

    I will grant you that social conditioning certainly plays a role in the behavior of men and women. But biology also plays a huge role, and it affects every behavior a man or woman exhibits… including choices they make about video games.

  • Shih Tzu

    And how about those women drivers? Did you know that women are responsible for nearly half of all car accidents? A menace, I tell you.

  • ZombiePixel

    Businesses are built on averages, not exceptions. And the bigger your business the more “average” your target.

    If you’re making a game for the Big Fish / Real Arcade market then you’d better accept that explosions and extreme difficulty levels aren’t in your design document EVER. If you load up a male gamer portal with Bejeweled clones then be prepared to change targets or go out of business.

    To a certain extent you can predict your market and cater to them – and be better off for doing so.

  • Pyabo

    Oh I’m being moderated now. Goody.

    For the record, I said you “may” be an idiot. Not “you are an idiot.” And I wasn’t referring to anyone in particular.

  • Rz.

    you guys really need to stop joking around, women’s rights is serious business. i for one think a computer/video-game system should be installed in every kitchen in america (only *real* country, afterall) so that women can also partake in the male dominated *super*sport of gaming.

  • Anthony Flack

    My daughter has only ever built tall towers.

  • Derek

    Pyabo, just wanted to let you know that your post was caught in our spam filter because you included two links. It has nothing to do with you or the content of your post.

    It’s up, now (#27).

  • Derek

    Enough of my female friends like rough games that I can conclude for myself that things are not so black and white. My mom likes to play Gears with me and giggles when she caps an alien in the face.

    “Businesses are built on averages, not exceptions. And the bigger your business the more ‘average’ your target.”

    Well, I would personally prefer to make games for exceptional men and women!

  • Zetetic Elench

    Pyabo, I think your example is a little misleading and poorly thought-out. I think most *non-gamers* would prefer the gardening game and find the feudal japan game far too confusing. And most *gamers* would find that more engaging than the gardening game.

    It just happens that more males have been brought up with games as a hobby than females, and so are more used to control-heavy challenges. The why of *that*, obviously, is quite complicated. And hell, enough men like harvest moon.

    But I honestly think, like Derek, that it’s not as simple as you make it out to be, which maybe bespeaks a little inexperience on your part with girls and games. I mean, my mother is strictly anti-violence, she hates violent games, wouldn’t let me touch any until I was like 13. What happens when we decided to play Thief II together? “Kill him! Quick! He’s gonna find us!” That really says “gotten over social barrier” more than it does “biological aversion to violence”, at least to me.

    Damn, Thief II was a good game.

  • Pyabo

    Of course it’s not simple… I never said it was. I was just a little incensed at Cake’s statement about the IG thread showing us how many “bigots” there are in the indie community. I don’t know if he took the thread out of context, or took something someone said a little too seriously, but the original thread post was a legitimate question: Given that 60-70% of downloadable game buyers are women, how can we market games skewed toward men?

    Men and women, IN GENERAL, like different games. Why does everyone want to argue this point? Of course there’s plenty of men who like Harvest Moon… of course there’s women that like bloody shooters. But when you look at many gamers and you do some statistical analysis, there are trends with regards to genres and genders. Is someone really going to say this isn’t true? Regardless of whether this has some sort of instinctual biological basis or is entirely rooted in social programming is beside the point. It happens. And talking about WHY it happens, or the particular aspects that appeal to one gender or another, or working on a product to take advantage of it is NOT sexist.

    Blah. I’m going to play some Alice Greenfingers now.

  • Derek

    Pyabo, I don’t think anyone’s saying that men and women aren’t different, or that talking about the differences makes you a bigot.

    But saying that one of those differences is “thinking”… I mean, c’mon.

    _”That’s what I was going to mention, most males tend to flock to games that involve shooting, thinking, and simulation (sports, cars). Women tend to like more ‘casual’ stuff like like all those mindless clicking-fest casual games on the top 10 lists.”_

    _”As was mentioned – any game that involves strategy, challenge, and thinking, appeals to guys.”_

    I mean, Christ… how can you defend that with a straight face? And don’t tell me those are jokes. Those are two separate users agreeing that men enjoy thinking, but women don’t.

    The other one is “competitiveness” (find your own quotes for that one). Apparently women aren’t competitive. That is complete and utter bullshit.

  • Derek

    And I’m still not understanding why you would want to target one gender over another. If 70% of your customers are women and you want to get the last 30%, the idea would be to NOT lose the 70% in the process, right?

  • papamook

    I just don’t get what the point of this TIGS post was. I mean, the IGF thread is months old, was it just an unfriendly dig?

    It’s this juvenile elitist attitude that pops up here way too often that really puts me off reading TIGS.

    It wasn’t meant to be this way, can’t we all just get along? =(

  • Derek

    I’d prefer to have honest discussions about interesting issues in the community than get along. :)

  • ARelativelyHotGirl

    I just found it interesting that some young male developers are making games for older women. :)

  • papamook

    I didnt suggest that we be dishonest derek.

    hotgirl, some male designers design clothing for women. interesting?

  • Derek

    YES, interesting. An entire industry based around making games for older women… designed PREDOMINANTLY by men.

    Older women have worn clothes for a centuries (heh). Older women have NOT been playing games for a long time, and it’s interesting why they are now. It’s interesting what kinds of games they play. It’s interesting why it’s grown so much as an industry in the past few years.

    It’s interesting (and disheartening) to see the attitudes of male game developers toward women and what kinds of games they think women enjoy playing.

    Enough explanation?

  • papamook

    You can’t take one thread with 20 or so posts as being the definition of “attitudes of male game developers toward women and what kinds of games they think women enjoy playing”.

    From reading that thread it sounded like the male game developers were just inexperienced with women in general, to me the thread said more about those guys social lives than anything else. I think it’s a good thing that they want to understand them more.

    I mean if a guy grows up in his bedroom playing games his whole life, then considers making them, chances are he hasn’t had a lot of interaction with females, or how females would interact with a game. What else could you expect?

    btw, my mother has been playing games, mainly tetris, since the 80’s, as I’m sure has yours, although mine hasnt moved on to fps’s. for her the modern casual games are really just replacements to tetris.

    I think the real reason for this post has been because you lot see that igf thread as another shameless igf chase for cash. You holier-than-thou types hate people wanting to know how to get a piece of the pie.

  • ARelativelyHotGirl

    I never said it was bad. Just interesting. :)

    You’re the ones adding the negative contexts.

    That said, it would be interesting to see more female designers in the industry as well.

  • Zetetic Elench

    What’s interesting is how female designers are received by fans. It’s also pretty depressing.

    Even Kotaku and Gametrailers can’t mention Jade Raymond without tagging “beautiful” onto her name, like that was the most important thing about her.

  • I Like Cake

    If it’s elitist behavior to dislike bigotry and to feel repulsed by marketing that exploits and exaggerates all the worst aspects of humanity, then yes, I am an elitist, and yes, I am proud to be one.

    I am entirely willing to concede the fact that the majority of women living in the western world today are interested in trivial casual games (if any games at all) and the majority of men are interested in games about murder, but is this really something we want to encourage? Personally speaking, I don’t consider wanting more money, even wanting to make a base living, as an excuse for poor social conscience.

    It’s no secret that the cultural homogeneity we see exhibited nowadays is in part due to our broader communication channels. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you only have to step out on to the street to see hundreds of people filling roles that have been modelled for them on television and in movies and magazines. Do you think biology tells boys to like violence and girls to like unicorns? Does it also tell them how to wear their hair the same way, how to dress the same, how to develop the same verbal affectations?

    I’m just sick and tired of it, you know? I’m tired of an entire culture based around buying, where income is considered a top discriminant among human beings, where computers, possibly the most wonderful and flexible tool of the twenty-first century, have been reduced to a tool for anaesthetic violence in a world where death isn’t real and where clicking a mouse makes you more of a hero than you could ever be if, you know, you only learned to be a more thoughtful person and became a little nicer and more considerate for it, and all because someone wants a new car or a new condo or even a fucking sandwich. Don’t get the idea that I believe violent video games to cause school shootings, or anything nearly so simplistic, I just think that leeching off people’s brutality and stupidity and promoting a listless, lifeless culture for your own personal gain is pretty low.

    So to sum up, yeah, I think churning out another cookie-cutter computer game about headshots and bitches and pandering to a male stereotype which features the core hobbies of punching and date rape makes you part of the problem, and that makes you kind of a shithead.

  • I Like Cake

    Ouch, I got moderated. For the record, my previous comment was “here’s why I don’t like the current state of affairs,” and not intended as any kind of ad hominem attack on other thread participants.