Forbidden Love

By: ARelativelyHotGirl

On: August 23rd, 2007


“Sandra Richardson … fits the mold of the new gamer. The 55-year-old Bloomington, Ill., resident started playing online casual games about a year and a half ago when her kids left home.

She’s bought 40 online casual games so far…"

(San Jose Mercury News)

“For males, you are probably going to want to look for games involving challenge.”

“men like games where you destroy things”

“Everything degrading women will also pretty much ensure it has a male audience.”


  • ARelativelyHotGirl

    Hmm, your comment just hit the spam filter for some reason. It should be up now.

  • I Like Cake

    Chances are my foul language and surly demeanor were picked up by the spam filter.

    I tend to froth at the mouth and see red a bit when marketing issues come up.

  • Joseph

    respect for ARelativelyHotGirl+DerelYu+I Like Cake
    why can’t we all just play together?

  • Hooker with a penis

    Well, If I had to choose sides – I’d rather be with the elitists. I think I Like Cake has a damn point here. Sure, he sounds like Morrisey here, but hey, i think he’s right (and so is Morrisey!)

  • contra

    moz is always right!

  • papamook

    I think I Like Cake has a damn point here.

    so its guys, who want to know what types of games to make to sell to a particular market, that are responsible for all of the problems a capitalist society generates? Power to the people..

    I’m sorry but we -the indie game developers- cant take the blame for the culture we live in. If anything, we are but a grain of sand in that bucket. I mean come on, get some perspective! We’re a bunch of people in lounge rooms and you want to change the world with your pixel pushing power?

    Give me a break! You’re not John Lennon.

  • papamook

    RelativelyHot: That said, it would be interesting to see more female designers in the industry as well.

    How many more would push the amount to interesting for you?

  • Zetetic Elench

    That’s right! Roll over and give up any hope of developing a more mature, progressive, intelligent culture! Nobody can ever make any difference! Why, we haven’t made any difference in the past hundred years at all!

    That’s a really blind and unrealistic attitude, papamook. Everyone actually *does* make a difference. And people who work with the media actually have more power than most.

    You say indie developers can’t take the blame for the culture they live in. That’s wrong. *If you’re not contributing in any way to a better society, you damn well should take your share of the blame.* That’s part of what democracy means, man. The people taking responsibility for their society’s actions.

    ILK isn’t trying to single-handedly change the world. He’s taking responsibility as a member of that society, and I support him in that.

    Oh, and way to strawman. Can you find me a quote where he said they were responsible for *all* society’s problems?

  • Derek

    Yeah, I’m pretty damn sure that John Lennon didn’t get to where he was with that kind of attitude.

    And technically, he started out as an “indie” musician…

    Wonder if anyone told him he was a grain of sand in a bucket when he first started out? Probably. :'(

  • papamook

    Lennon was a genius and if any of you guys/girls think you’ll ever be able to make even half as much of a difference to the world as he did you’re sorely delusional. (nobody has came close since he died)

    Of course if I’m wrong then good on you for making a difference with your Pixel-flower-power.

    Everybody’s gotta dream I suppose. And feeling the entire tigs readership now hates me I’ll leave that as my last comment on this post.