In fact, the very Raspberry that you would’ve seen in the video below, and thanks go to Xagarath for the tip in the comment section. I’ll keep this brief because obviously it’s mentioned in some detail in the video.
There’s also an included tutorial, which like most Jonathan Blow explanations is both in-depth and interesting throughout, as it chronicles the entire prototype itself rather than the simple mechanics of how to play the game, in a sense that echoes the earlier interactive flash videos we had a while back on Understanding Gaming. It also features four modes of play, which seem roughly to be the prototype at different stages of complexity, with the first being the simplest and the last being the full prototype with music working alongside the gameplay and the SFX produced from either doing well or sucking completely.
It’s not uncommon to be able to play Works-in-progress, but to play around on a prototype with such indepth documentation is something not to be missed really. Be sure to check out the ‘Readme’ file for a some impressions of the prototype from various playtesters (usually responded to by Blow aswell), which includes a response from Mr. Mak of Everyday Shooter fame!
…considering how famous that game is now, you’d have thought we would’ve gotten a chance to play it. Oh well, enjoy!