
By: Derek Yu

On: September 26th, 2007


Ah, feudalism… lords, vassals, fiefs, and all the wenches you can eat.

Oh yeah, and Feudalism (capital “F!”), the browser-based strategy/RPG game of medieval conquest. In this game you choose a hero (and consequently a nation to align with), customize his or her stats, and then go to town, literally. Once there, you can buy weapons, armor, and items, and recruit troops.

The goal of the game is to conquer every city on the map. In between you’ll be taking simple quests and fighting bandits to raise your experience and gain gold. In battle your minions are controlled by AI, but you can affect them indirectly with items or basic commands. The controls are a little rough, but are serviceable.

What can I say? The game uses the tried-and-true method of keeping you playing by letting you steadily get stronger and kick more ass. And it works… it’s pretty fun.

  • http://gnomeslair.blogspot.com/ gnome

    Excellent find, even though it’s not just pretty fun but a possible time sink. Already been playing for 15 minutes and can sense impending doom…

  • Patrick

    Where do you find games like this and Caligula? A blog I should know about? Trying to get closer to the source.

  • Calanctus

    A lot of them are posted in the forums. The ones that aren’t, well, there’s a variety of sources.

  • Maji

    Its fun… but buggy as all get out, especially after you conquer a few town. For extra fun, put 100 archers in your reserves then arrow shower XD

  • Ryan Fox

    Ironic how the capitalization is reversed in the URLs.

  • kiba no gin

    After you capture all the other villages nothing reeally happens. and all you can do is max out your stats (your lv ends at 50) and to quests and random battles

  • crackers

    This game has an incredibly clean visual style, even more so than other Flash games. Which makes it feel a bit too sanitized for my liking. Needs more grit.

  • 21GP

    I really like the “literally!”

  • Colossus

    I found the difficulty progression was a bit skewed. It was difficult for a while, until I got a Crushing Crossbow, and started 1-hit KO’ing everything.

    Made my way through the northwest corners, essentially killing everything one shot at a time, and then filled my retinue with Knights & Inquisitors… with some points in intelligence and patriotism, I couldn’t even let any of my guys die… it was that easy. Conquered the other 25-ish towns, and that was that. No ending.

  • Me

    This game would be fun if there was some type of ending… maybe even a town u cant fight till all the other ones are conquered. then even just a “Congratulations” would be great.

  • Derek

    Yeah, the lack of an ending is kind of preposterous.