
By: Derek Yu

On: October 3rd, 2007


The fact that Platform directly references the cult horror/sci-fi movie Cube should give you an idea about the plot of this browser-based, episodic platform game. The premise is this: two guys (I like to imagine that they’re Gabe and Tycho) wake up in a strange facility with no recollection of who they are or how they got there. All they know is that they’ve got to help each other get out. As the story progresses, it’s clear that there’s something sinister going on behind the scenes.

Each episode (released every Sunday) consists of a single room level with various moving platforms, switches, and deadly traps. By hitting space you can switch between the two characters. As you can expect, the levels are designed around this idea, and for the most part, they are quite clever. And new mechanics are introduced fairly steadily to keep things fresh.

The platforming is pretty difficult, though, especially since you have to keep track of two characters. Fortunately, the smooth controls and fast-pace of the levels keep it relatively frustration-free. Restarting a level takes no time, either. And seeing the next chunk of the story, told through cutscenes at the beginning and end of each level, is a nice reward, too.

I really enjoy the feeling of comraderie between the two heroes, and it makes me want to see a little more interaction in-game. Even some simple words of encouragement when one player reaches the exit before the other (“You can do it, man!”) would be nice. The other thing I’d like to see is more interesting backdrops, although I understand that creating weekly content makes this difficult.

As of now, there are 22 episodes, and I’m very much looking forward to the next. Cool idea! And see Cube, if you haven’t already. It’s a really sweet film.

  • Golds

    You mean Cube?

  • Derek

    Oops, yeah. No “The.”

  • Anon

    Shockwave is instant fail.

  • Derek

    What kind of browser are you using, a potato?

  • Blueberry_pie

    I’ve played the first level of this some time ago, but my browser crashed on me. Firefox isn’t potato-based, is it? I haven’t played it since then, so thanks for the reminder! Quite an awesome game. Looking forward to future episodes.

  • Lorne Whiting

    Ahh, Cube. That was a good’n.
    But god, that cop was a dick.

  • Noyb

    Fun game. Tight controls and I’ve been waiting for a decent Lost Vikings style game for a while.

    I’d like to see more of the plot as a reward for *beating* a level, instead of usually at the beginning. I know there are levels where developments happen at the end, but there are far too many levels where the reward is the characters just walking right (and a sense of self-satisfaction). And the intro cutscenes should really be automatically skipped upon death.

    I also wonder if the characters will ever comment upon the main suspension of disbelief of the game, that neither of them can move at the same time within a level.

  • Wulfo

    I’ve been playing this game every week for a few months now and it’s a really great idea. Not only is the game itself fun, but the story is fairly compelling and interesting enough to make you want to come back every Sunday. I’m also surprised that is is seemingly the only one of its kind active at the moment. Here’s hoping for more (of this quality) in the future.

  • raigan

    I really liked the concept, but the actual platforming felt awkward.. the jumping was too-fast, etc.

  • fish

    cube was such a badass movie.
    cube 2 was pretty great too, except the stupid ending. still…some interesting concepts. gotta love a movie set in a tesseract!

  • raelz

    Hey, this game is really nice and quite challenging (but certainly not frustrating, well for me at least). Took me about 50 minutes to finish those levels, can’t wait for another one.

  • PHeMoX

    Only just found time to play this. I have to say wow, nice gameplay. It’s quite tricky, especially at first whilst getting used to controlling those two characters and doing the switching in the timed-events. Quite cool and it never quite gets too frustrating, but it’s definitely challenging.

    *I’m also surprised that is is seemingly the only one of its kind active at the moment.*

    True, although at some points it did vaguely remind me of ‘Project Eden’. Yeah, dunno why exactly since that game was 3D, had a whole different setting and story and so on… but still.

  • Lava

    Wow, really nice game. Though these extremely long switch mazes towards the end felt kinda boring.