
By: Derek Yu

On: November 2nd, 2007


You awaken in a large complex, slightly disoriented. Glowing dots hover mouth level near you in every direction. Off in the distance you hear the faint howling of what you can only imagine must be some sort of ghost or several ghosts.

Someone’s done and turned Pac-Man into a text adventure game.

(Source: The Random Gnome’s Lair!)

  • robolee

    arrghh! I hate these damned games , they dont even tell you what commands you can do and I end up having about a hundred lines of “huh!?” “I don’t understand that” etc.

    luckily this one has a help thing

    I think its rather boring
    step one press:f, enter
    e, enter
    lo, enter…
    repeat until hit wall
    draw it down on paper and get them all, hey presto completed

  • codekitchen

    I… can’t believe I just destroyed 5 minutes of my life to beat that game.

    OK, so I cheated like hell. But still.

  • Kenzya

    This was pretty lame.. I was hoping this would be more of a text adventure rather than a non-graphical action game. You can definitely translate style and atmosphere in to Pac-Man through text-only gameplay.

  • Tr00jg

    It starts very promising though…

  • Gutter

    The game was much more envoyable if you use “autolook” and “autonibble” (the ghost at the bottom tells you the cheats if you scroll down)

    The author should make the ghost move a little slower though when you have the super pill. They are impossible to catch, and unless you try to corner them (by imagining the map) you just run after them until the coundown stops…

    (yes I know, making them move slower in a text adventure game is weird… But not weirder than turn based rogue like with variable player/enemy movement rates per turn)

  • Advenith

    It’s funny but stupid. Much like my poor cousin Clem after the accident.

  • FireSword

    Alt f4


  • elfpvke

    Eh, text pac-man has already been done – and more creatively….

    yay for junkie pac man..

  • josh g.

    A noted interactive fiction author already did this a while ago in a much wackier and more interesting way. You can check it out here:

    It’s a z-code game, ie. the same format that old Infocom games use, which just means you have to run it in an interpreter. Gargoyle is a pretty good ‘terp, found at:

  • black rabbit

    A much, much better class of arcade-as-text can be found in the IF Arcade collection from 2001:

    …featuring some of the best IF writers alive (Cadre, Plotkin, Short). They’re all really short, but nearly all are interesting and/or fun; my favorite is Centipede.

  • josh g.

    … yay for three people with the same comment being held in moderation limbo so they can repeat each other? =)

  • Announcer