Gamelab Interview: cactus

By: Derek Yu

On: January 11th, 2008

Gamelab and cactus

Speaking of cactus, here’s an interview that Gamelab did with him recently.

The visuals in my games are largely a result of trying to create something that looks cool while being easy to produce in necessary quantities. The sprites that I use in my games would probably look uninteresting and bland if taken out of their context. I like making them come alive through programming instead.
  • xerus

    Is it just me, or does Cactus make a new game 3 times a day? o_o

  • drew

    It’s not just you.

  • Grawl

    It’s you.

  • xerus

    Well… shit.

  • Tr00jg

    More like 4…

    I think I need to adopt some of his “ideals” regarding graphics.