GDC: Third Night

By: Derek Yu

On: February 18th, 2008


Man (Tommunism) Versus Owl

Hope you guys aren’t too tired of photos yet! Here’s the next batch.

For me, a big part of the draw of the indie games scene is that it’s so personal. You can very easily get to know the people behind the games. And you can tell these guys really love doing what they do.

Last year when I attended GDC for the first time, it was after working on Aquaria with Alec in a vacuum for almost a year. To be able to arrive and meet people who were doing to same thing we were doing, and get to talk and hang out with them was worth the price of admission alone.

This year it seems like a bunch of old friends meeting up, even though many of us were meeting for the first time IRL. I think that says a lot about the strength of the community. Rock on!

Tomorrow GDC Proper and the Independent Games Summit begin, and we’ll try to cover as much of it as possible. I’m not really sure how it’s going to work, but we have some fierce and drunken reporters on the scene (i.e. Brandon).

  • WOW

    Does cactus wear anything different?

  • fish

    notice how tommy is sniffing that girl’s butt.

  • Julius

    @WOW: I think it’s the striped hoodie throwing you off

  • ultim8p00

    All hail the mighty monocle owl.

  • GirlFlash

    Man Vs Owl, an ancient battle, retold throughout the centuaries. the result has always been clear, and the outcome is this:

    Yes, the Owl invented ‘your mom’ jokes, not man.

  • quamper
  • HandCraftedRadio

    The scotch tape adds a lot to the monocole.

  • Twisted Rabbit

    I cry a little bit, cus i was at the MOMA then was walking back to my house in SF and saw the conference…. It was way to late to go in and i am now back at college…. THE SADNESS OF MISSING IT IS OVERWHELMING! Such is the price of modern art….

  • Lena Sunderland

    Suction Power: While not as powerful as full-sized vacuum cleaners, having at least 10 volts will offer sufficient suction power. Dustbin Capacity: Dustbin capacities will vary, but, of course, the larger the bin, the more dirt it can hold — and the less you have to empty it.