XOP is Back: In Black

By: ARelativelyHotGirl

On: February 24th, 2008

Some of us remember XOP, a nifty Allegro-based shooter by Christopher Emirzian, from glorious ages past.

Recently, Chris decided to revive XOP as XOP: Black.


The game is available for download here.

  • moi

    I almost beat XOP once on normal, I reached the end level with many ships left, but I was stopped by a bug , the enemies stopped appearing (they were probably shock and awed no doubt).
    I stopped playing because it was taking way too long to reach the end level and I didn’t want to see if it was going to happen again.

  • Mischief Maker

    Why are you guys drawing all this attention to THIS update, but give no love to Blue Wish Resurrection Plus, which just came out a little over a week ago?


  • Julius

    This game makes me dizzy like crazy.

  • Shinji16

    * jaw hits the floor *

    YEAH!!! BEST DAY EVAR!!! For the moment…

    * does the happy dance and downloads*

  • Guy

    It’s not just an update of the original XOP. It’s actually 5 completely new levels. The only thing that XOP and XOP Black share are a few graphics and sound effects. (And the underlying code, presumably)

  • Alan Gordon

    It’s got a few flaws for sure (second wave feels kind of superfluous, shot patterns are seldom that interesting or varied, no pause button that I can find), but it’s enjoyable. The graphics are very nice, and the game is refreshingly accessible compared to its Japanese brethren.

    Keep up the good work, Chris!