fruit mystery

By: Derek Yu

On: July 12th, 2008

fruit mystery

fruit mystery is…

fruit mystery is……

fruit mystery is.

(Source: auntie pixelante)

  • Alehkhs

    Derek is.

  • Derek

    Alehkhs is.

  • Seriously,

    What a fucken piece of shit.

  • is


  • muku


    I guess the only valid reason to “play” that is the gameover sequence, and I’m not yet convinced how good a reason that actually is.

  • sinoth


  • gsm

    so the spirit of JEFFK is (si) still around.

  • BeamSplashX


  • ngajoe

    That was funny–worth sending to others but I might not play it again.

  • Timo

    What was that?

  • Imaginationac

    …My head hurts now. Thanks.

  • CMspice

    I kinda always figured that guy is a genius. Go read his resume.

  • mrs

    best game on this entire website

  • AClarkFS

    I threw up alittle in my mouth.

  • Last post getter


  • Fireblend

    This should have a seizure warning… not for me, but, you know people that can’t stand flashy colors. Or stupidity, for that matter.

  • Border

    That just scared the shit out of me. man !! the game over sequence… thats it, i’m gonna do nightmare for a week.

  • Jean-Sebastien

    Cave Story ripoff!

  • Jonathan Blow

    This game is awesome.

    Unfortunately in the coming E3 coverage this game will be ignored!!! In favor of lousy games that have no fruit at all.

  • Dusty Spur

    your a idoit

    derke you killed a touca n. why did you do this??????/?

  • McAndrews

    My apology was ” Dear Steve, Sorry I gave the dogs an uspet stomach ache that made them want to murderize themselves. And sorry the dogs murderized themselves. Really. Nothing is sader to me than murderized dogs, specially when they smell like strawberries.” I think that was the real purpose of the game. To psychologically prepare your mind for the most amazing apology ever. Anyone else have a good one?

  • chutup


    Best edugame ever.

  • GlingON

    That game is only a sliver of the insanity going on at this guys website.

    I hate to use the Twilight Zone analogy, but that guys website exists in another dimension.

    I never have seen such raw human energy in my entire life.

  • Butzo

    “Thanks brett!”

  • Ben

    Zookeeper Steve is worse than the crying Asclepius baby…

  • chutup

    Huh. I thought maybe it was like Execution and you could win by not feeding any fruit, but no dice. FUCK OFF, ZOOKEEPER STEVE! I DIDN’T FEED THOSE ANIMALS ANY GODDAMN FRUIT, OK!

  • Sifu Peng

    My ears are ringing. The game has… changed me. I’ll never be the same bloke again.

  • Marklar

    I love this…

  • ray



  • !CE-9

    “The citrus juice from the juicy ORANGE makes the lobsarts a bit blind I think becuase they keep bumping into things after their ORANGE fruit feast. oh well they were UGLY and DANGEROUS TO SEE.”


  • reetva

    I’m walking on sunshine, woah-oh! Listen to the background music, I think that’s what it is.

  • grindFish

    this is the best game ever made.

  • corpus

    A lion awoke to the joyous sensation of melons hitting its buttocks, thanks to me.

  • OrR

    This is so full of awesome… I love it! :)

  • BaronCid


  • Derp

    I haven’t lol’d this hard in a while.

  • FireSword
  • Oob

    “The king of the jungle is a bit racist I think.”

  • lumpi

    if you goes crazy all the way!!!1

  • Trotim

    Cave Story rip-off.

  • hello

    africa (the land of racism)

  • robolee

    my apology:

    “Im very sory that I pisioned teh aminals, I hope that youll forgiv me 1 day. I didnt now the fruit was bad for them Im sory.”

  • Kloi

    best game ever.

  • Sub-Actuality

    I thought this might have something to do with “Instruction For A Fruit”. It doesn’t. And it’s much weirder.

  • Twisted in the Head

    I’m sorry, but this sounds too much like it was written by a five year-old or a bad fanfiction author. I can’t go for more than two minutes without my eyes bleeding.

  • Jad

    Hurhur, I love how the baby elephant eats everything and anything and is happy about it :D

  • FISH


  • olda_sadlo

    i really enjoyed it and played it six times. best are lobastars or lobstras or whatever.

  • Dusty Spur

    dear steve, im a idot ii posined you animasl i disre;gard the DONT FEED FRIUT signs i really soryr.

    from dumb*ss

  • namuol

    this is hanging onto the edge of coherence by an imaginary thread.

    i can’t tell if brett graham just has a unique sense of humor or if he genuinely has mental problems. his site is rather elaborate.