Indie Arcade Eurogamer Expo: Report!

By: Derek Yu

On: November 4th, 2008

Indie Arcade Eurogamer Expo

We can’t get enough pics of people playing indie games, can we? Retro Remakes’ Oddbob did a great little write-up (with lots of pictures of people’s backs with indie games!) of Pixel Lab‘s Indie Arcade, which took place at the Eurogamer Expo last week. Among the games showcased were Braid, World of Goo, Machinarium, Raptor Safari, Psychosomnium, and Oddbob’s very own War Twat (which is long due a post on TIGSource).

There are a damn lot of indie gaming events going on these days! And despite that, I humbly beg for… more?! Yes, more!

  • corpus


    Looks like it was good fun :)