
By: Derek Yu

On: March 16th, 2009

TIGJam Midwest 2009

TIGJam Midwest 2009: Rawr Edition

Our first TIGJam was a hell of a lot of fun, but unfortunately, it only happens in one spot (the Flashbang Studios in Phoenix, Arizona), once a year (September). If we had our way, it would take place in an orbital space station, and we’d come and beam people up right from their bedrooms once a month. Alas, the coffers are running dry these days – not because of the economy (manhugs and womanhugs are recession-proof), but because we spent a lot of money on research and development of a reasonably-lifelike android of Jeff Lindsay that will be attending GDC this year in his absence. (Look out, the routines we wrote to manage waste removal are slightly buggy.)

But enterprising game makers have found truly indie ways of extending the jam to new places and new times. Those jolly Brits put together a hell of a TIGJam in London last October, and earlier this month, the Dinowaurs team hosted their own jam in the midwest (despite my ultimate FAIL in not properly promoting it on the front page).

Now Matt “YMM” Thorson (FLaiL, Untitled Story), ChevyRay (SkullPogo), and the Canucks want to throw a jam in western Canada (Edmonton, Alberta, specifically) in May. Interested parties should follow the link and sign up, so that Matt and gang can decide whether there are enough takers (and when the jam should take place, exactly). MAKE IT HAPPEN.

If you’re interested in hosting a jam, or proposing a jam, or just want to talk about jams (please, no jelly lol), hit up the TIGJam forums. So that until we get that space station operational, the spirit can live on, all frickin’ year. One love.

  • TimS

    Hrmpf. I would’ve gone to the Midwest one if I’d heard about it. It’s all your fault for not promoting it on the front page. I hate you Derek… for ever and ever.

  • alspal

    That picture is amazing

  • Super anon

    TIGJam Midwest 23009?! That’s some pretty hardcore timetravel going on there.

  • Derek

    Damn my enormously bulbous fingers. D:

  • Benerhos

    Western Canada? Damn.

  • robolee

    I think your onto something with that orbital space station…

    What we really need is “TIGVille” a small village… Somewhere… A few people tend to the farm each day (some kind of cycle as to who’s turn it is to tend to the farming), whilst everyone else codes games/does arts/plays games/whatever. What we can’t produce we can buy, by selling our produce. What could be more indie?

  • http://coolmoose.net CoolMoose

    Does Canada actually have enough people for a moderate-sized gathering?

  • http://coolmoose.net CoolMoose

    Like, in general, not just with respect to indie gaming

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org/ Eclipse

    Sadly, i’m european and more sadly, i live in Italy.

    CoolMoose: winnipeg alone has people for two indie jams at least. (Alec could also made a jam all alone for how much indie he is, he and his pajama of course) (yes alec this one is a subtle request for another pajama jam) (no i’ll not stop to use parenthesis to speak at you even if it scares you) (i said it) (ahah)(.)

  • Mike Hawk

    Furries do it and it’s deviant, here though it must just be edgy.

  • bateleur

    Green PVC dinosaur scares me.

  • raigan

    “Does Canada actually have enough people for a moderate-sized gathering?”

    Har har — TOJam has been running for several years! http://www.tojam.ca/home/default.asp

  • sinoth

    robolee: You have no idea how close I am to starting a hippie indie tech commune.

  • http://www.intuitiongames.com aeiowu

    @TIGVille – I’ll drink the kool-aid.

    @Mike Hawk – Naw, it’s just deviant.

    @CoolMoose – If we can do it in the middle of Iowa, I think Canada will have no problem.

  • johhny

    girls? no way!

  • http://www.playjamesgames.com playjamesgames

    This sounds so exciting!!!!
    I live in Canada (or Kan-at-ah)… I except I’m at other end. Poo. Oh well. Hope there are enough people in the end!