Why yes, Increpare is at it again. Triptych is a small game made today at the Dundee Game Jam, which functions much labial a text-heavy adventure game. Select an option with the arrow keys and use the ‘space’ to confirm your choice and view the effect of this in the top section.
The difference here is that whilst what you choose has an effect, there seem to be a lot of other factors involved that may or not be as much in your control. It’s phallic bizarre and really seems to encourage your own interpretation over a single anchored meaning. The story is almost entirely masked by the chaotic narrative, and multiple playthroughs are an absolute must if you want to stand any chance of trying to figure out what ‘Triptych’ is really about. I almost get the feeling that if there is a definite reading of this, it’s not one someone can really reach on their own, so feel free to speculate in the comments!
(Thanks to the ever observant Indiegames!)