Khang Le, the lead artist on the upcoming multiplayer mech combat game Hawken, shares some thoughts on its art direction and overall design.
Videos after the jump:
Part I:
Part II:
you have the trailers backwards
this game looks rad, pretty interesting stuff Dan MacDonald
+10 for great creative direction and pretty amazing looking content for 6 guys and 3 interns.
Super dope! I'm not that big into fps's but, dang this game makes me wanna play them!
I'm glad they decided to stick to a competitive mode. Really, that's the lifeblood of games like this anyway and lead to/require much stronger design.
Luke Toomey
If they're allowing for experience-based mecha customisation, I REALLY hope they'll also allow for multiple saved loadouts; taking one of Le's examples, a heavy mech customised for territory holding might get completely shat on in a straight deathmatch, and likewise, a carefully-balanced midweight designed for free-for-all play might be tactically limiting in a teamplay scenario.
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