Hydra Castle Labyrinth

By: Derek Yu

On: January 10th, 2012

Hydra Castle Labyrinth, by E. Hashimoto

Hydra Castle Labyrinth is a nice Galious-like by E. Hashimoto (aka “Buster”), who also made Akuji the Demon. The game was released last year and has been fully translated into English by Gary the Krampus.

TIGdb: Entry for Hydra Castle Labyrinth

  • wiki games

    Super awesome!!

  • http://www.facebook.com/people/Francis-Coulombe/906110494 Francis Coulombe

    Thanks for the translation Gary. That sure is better than coal in my sock!

  • http://twitter.com/Amon26 Amon26

    sweet succulent snuffwaffles! Akuji The Demon was one of my first and still favorite indie games of all time!! I always ALWAYS put it on mixed discs for friends and got half the nerdcore community in my town hooked to it.  SO awesome to see more work come out! :D

  • http://twitter.com/phubans Paul Hubans

    Oh look, I’m on that part of the Internet that I already saw last year!

  • http://twitter.com/phubans Paul Hubans

    Just kidding :P I did watch paste’s LP of this and it looked really awesome :)

  • Noah

    This is an entirely justified comment, Phubans. I thought I’d gone back in time when I saw this on my RSS.

  • http://www.derekyu.com Derek Yu

    “TIGS: No Bad News, Just Good Olds”

  • http://www.gnomeslair.com/ gnome


  • Derp

    How the hell to turn off music volume, its loud as hell. And i mean MUSIC, not sfx

  • DragonMaaw

    Derek YU LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Hows those new red spots on your skin guy? CURSED

  • Jonathan Pikalek

    I was able to adjust the background music volume by changing the ‘SW Synth’ volume setting on my system; you might need to dig through your options/properties to get the slider for it to display.

  • Pixel_Ado

    hi i am E. Hasshimoto “FAN”, but with this game i have a problem, my system FREEZE and must RESTART my PC. maybe incompatility but i dont known, PLZ HELP ME. 
    Buster run PERFECTLY, AKUJI too (i finished all them xD). 
    Great work for the TRADUCTION. And THANK YOU SO MUCH for THE GAME.
