Kickstart This: TinyKeep

By: Alehkhs

On: May 26th, 2013

TinyKeep is an indie 3D Action RPG title, drawing inspiration from both roguelikes and dungeon-crawler RPGs such as Ultima IV. The player is tasked with escaping the titular keep in which they have been imprisoned by exploring procedurally-generated dungeons and fighting various monsters as they progress. To increase the challenge and create a world that feels alive, the game’s sole programmer, Phi Dinh, has placed heavy focus on the project’s AI system. Dungeon inhabitants and monsters each have needs and desires, and will move about independent of player interaction in an attempt to fulfill those goals – feeding, sleeping, and interacting with each other in interesting ways. Along with the roguelike staple of procedurally-generated dungeons, Dinh hopes that these AI systems will lead to more emergent story opportunities and unique experiences for the player.

TinyKeep is currently on Kickstarter, and hoping to achieve its funding goal of only £22,162. Although it is currently more than halfway there, there are only 4 days left to achieve its goal – but with luck, we will all get the opportunity to explore and escape TinyKeep!

  • Dan Fessler

    there was no talk of art in that kickstarter video which makes me a bit iffy about the project. The entire environment currently featured is just licensed stock game-art you can find on the web. I wouldn’t want to fund something unless it plans to be unique. (this is coming from an artist)

  • Phi Dinh

    Hi Dan! I normally don’t reply to comments on news blogs, but I do have to correct this misconception. Indeed the art is stock game art for placeholder purposes however we do have the original artist on board our team, his name is Matthias Andre, from BitGem3D!

  • Dan Fessler

    That’s great to hear! It was worrying to me that it seemed to be passing off the stock-art as your own. Seemed deceptive to me. You may want to clarify that the art featured in the video is stock-art

  • Phi

    I credit the artist in several places on the Kickstarter page! Even the short project description I do say “Featuring gorgeous art from Matthias Andre.” Also if you scroll to the team section I especially thank him with his portrait photo and link to his portfolio. I think actually if you search for his name on the page it comes up several times! I’ve always been very open about it! Sorry for coming across like this – but I don’t want it to seem like I’m doing something wrong! Matthias and I are in regular talks about the project and if funding succeeds we definitely plan on collaborating further!

  • Dan Fessler

    Ooooohh I see now what you’re saying. Your artist IS the creator of the stock art you’re using. I thought you were stating that you just had another artist you planned on using to replace the stock art. This makes SO much more sense and I apologize for my confusion. He truly is a talented artist so i’m very confident this project will go somewhere very nice visually speaking. I take back my earlier objections.

  • Phi

    Haha thank you Mate :) It makes sense for a small setup like myself to use things like stock art – and in the event we get funded why not get the original artist to help!

  • Haekon

    Between Fessler and Dinh, I have to say that this is the level of interaction that I love from the indie community. Good luck, and I hope you make it. I’d be throwing money at the screen, but I’ve got it budgeted on ramen noodles for my next twenty-five meals.

    Also, Dinh…do you have a dev-blog? I’d be very curious to peek into your work-flow.

  • Phi Dinh

    Please look at our dev log on TIGSource forums, I started it years ago and finally got to this point! Lots of technical info on there if you are interested :)

  • Lovitt

    1°) Game’s trailer sucks, and i suppose the game does too.
    2°) WTF tig source ? is that what u can do ? One rotten news every month ? seriously ?
    What’s the purpose of this site exactly ?

  • Lovitt

    When i said it sucks, i meant that it’s slow paced, like my grandma, the art is a shame and levels look like shit. what is the fun in this ? there are thousands of games like this on Desura man, try to be innovative for once.
    Thinking that from AI work would emerge some gameplay concepts is a big mistake, it just leads to a Not funny game with no polished mechanics. We’ll see..

  • Dan Fessler

    The level art is the most appealing thing about this to me at the moment.

  • Richard

    Anybody remembers EGOBOO??

  • Larry Martin

    TinyKeep’s blend of roguelike and dungeon-crawler RPG elements, along with its AI-driven world, promises to offer players unique and emergent experiences – a Kickstarter worth supporting!
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