Posts with ‘AkimasaShimobayashi’ Tag

Missile Matador 1 and 2

By: Derek Yu

On: May 5th, 2008

Missile Matador

In Missile Matador you have to trick homing missiles into hitting each other… without hitting you. If you fall off the bottom of the screen, you also lose! It’s a fun concept, and it’s unnerving to see all those missiles trained at you in the brief breathing period before each level starts!

Missile Matador II extends the concept by adding timed missiles and a way to make your own levels (by editing text files). The rules of the game have also changed slightly – in order to win, you must reach a goal somewhere on the screen.

As an aside, “Missile Matador” is an awesome name. It sounds like something the VGNG would have come up with.

(Source: Auntie Pixelante)