Posts with ‘AlanGordon’ Tag

Vertical Challenge

By: ithamore

On: July 5th, 2007

<img src=“” width=“255” height=“191” hspace=10 vspace=10 align=right alt=“Vertical Challenge Thumb” />He told us he would do it, and he has kept his word. Alan Gordon has released Vertical Challenge v0.1a, a splendid advancement in the saga.

On July 3 at 2:18 PM, Alan announced he had already begun to work on the project and what he had planned. Less than 9 hours later, he delivered the game. Yes, Vertical has reached game-hood.

The new obstructive and hazardous blocks can make collecting the yellow diamonds “frustrating,” but the V key allows zooming in and out for a better view of the layout to help prevent annoying deaths that might result from a limited perspective but playing at a distance lacks the degree of control the up close, default view provides.
<img src=“” width=“500” height=“375” hspace=7 vspace=10 align=center alt=“Vertical Challenge v1.0a” />