Posts with ‘ForgottenSages’ Tag

Multiplayer on One Keyboard 4: Gladiator

By: Jordan Magnuson

On: March 25th, 2008


Gladiator is a brilliant Action/RPG hybrid playable by up to four players on one keyboard. Yeah, the graphics are “old” (whatever that means). Yeah you’re going to need an attention span longer than the average casual gamer to get your team set up. So what. Period.

In my opinion this game is one of the best and most classic multiplayer on one keyboard games you will ever play. The game was originally released by Forgotten Sages for DOS in 1992, but has since been ported to your twenty-first century operating system courtesy of Snowstorm Entertainment. Check out the game and see why it has an average rating of 9 out of 10 at HOTU.

Download and more info at Snowstorm. Man, you don’t even have to pay for this!
