Posts with ‘Isshiki’ Tag


By: ithamore

On: October 9th, 2008

With Kenta Cho in mind, I offer you Gradle-Unison (a game from one who seems to have been inspired by and references Kenta Cho). If you’ve been yearning for an action oriented mouse clicking game, Isshiki’s Gradle-Unison might do it for you. Although Isshiki is probably better known for his shmups (the genre for which he has released most of his games), GU is more of an anti-shmup with bullet hell leanings.


In GU you control a vehicle that will accelerate toward your clicks to release an explosion around your ship to destroy “bullets” emitted from enemy bases. The greater the distance the vehicle travels across the playing field the larger the explosion.

Each round has a time goal to reach before the next round begins. After the first round, a base is added with some variation for the new round until reaching four bases. From there, the variety continues to evolve with each phase. (I’m just talking from experience, since I have no idea what the upper limit is on phases and bases: there might be more to it.)

Also, GU works well on Widows computers that aren’t setup to support non-Unicode Japanese text, and all of the in-game text is in English. It also tends to be a quick, short, intense game.