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The practical use of Pogo Stickers

By: Lorne Whiting

On: October 24th, 2007

pogo sticker

Pogo Sticker is one of those games that will make you rip your scalp off after a while, but you keep coming back to it anyway.

You play either a short red guy (more likely a carpenter then a plumber!) or a tall green guy.
The green guy is more phallic, so I assume he’ll be the character most of our readers will play as! The task that’s befallen you is to jump through viciously difficult obstacle courses which usually ends up with your skull being crushed by the ceiling, because you decided to jump over all the obstacles instead of doing it the slow way.

Though, if you do things the slow way, you won’t get those wicked electrical lollipop prizes. And lemme tell you, those things are BADASS. I mean, seriously, candy that shoots lightning?

After a year of on-and-off playing I had finally gotten Megathor Pops on all but ONE of the courses. “The Hill”, I think it was called. GOD that level sucked. I couldn’t get higher then a green, which is the SUCKIEST lollipop. In more ways then one, since it’s probably the only one you’d be able to eat easily.

But alas, the game is fun. And it’s got alot of longevity, unless you happen to be frighteningly great at approximating virtual physics. Plus the characters and plot are really deep once you get into it… though I wish some more questions were answered at the end, like “why do these carpenter brothers wish for so many demonic candy items?”

All in all, it’s a fun game and great for wasting time, but you’ll need to take lots of breaks or you’ll end up throwing your mouse at a wall. That wall over to the right, you know, with the poster of a slutty woman on it?