Posts with ‘LoFiMinds’ Tag

Brain-Damaged Toon Underworld Teaser #2

By: Derek Yu

On: May 2nd, 2008

BDTUW is looking good! Made by Lo-Fi Minds for our VGNG Competition, the actual compo entry was a sweet promise of something more… much more! This vid drops its trousers a little lower, revealing brand new areas, characters, and mechanics. Yum!

On the Lo-Fi Minds blog, cactus explains that the aspect ratio has been changed to accommodate HD.

(Source: Tim, via the blog)

500 Bananas!

By: Derek Yu

On: March 15th, 2008

Brain-Dead Toon Underworld

cactus and VilleK have set up a new blog for Lo-Fi Minds. Their inaugural post has screenshots and descriptions for their two current projects, Brain-Dead Toon Underworld (made for our VGNG Compo), and Secret Agent Hotel. Both games look/sound absolutely fantastic, natch.

I also thought this would be a good time to make a request for donations to our friend cactus. I’ve gotten more value and excitement from all his games than your average triple-A mainstream title. His work inspires me every day as a game designer and an artist.

Donate to Cactus!

cactus is incredibly creative and talented, but could definitely do more to market himself. But I really wonder if he should have to? Shouldn’t being good at making games be enough to make games for a living? I think so. And I’m dreaming about alternative business models to let people like cactus make great freeware and keep at it.

But until then, let’s give a little back to this supercool dude and support him on his quest to entertain and amaze us! Everyone who met him at GDC fell in love with him (for some *cough*Brandon*cough*, it was romantic love). He’s a really nice, genuine guy, who just wants to make games and be happy. It would be awesome for cactus to be able to put all his energy into being himself and not have to get a ho-hum job to make ends meet.

I’m putting in $20 to start, and suggesting $5-$20 donations from those who want to. We can’t easily keep track of how we’re doing, but feel free to post a comment letting us know why and/or how much you donated. I hope you do!

Donate here! (PayPal link at the bottom of the page.)