Posts with ‘MathieuHenri’ Tag

DEFENDER of the favicon

By: Derek Yu

On: July 19th, 2008

DEFENDER of the favicon

Well, someone’s finally gone and put a game in a favicon. Mathieu ‘p01’ Henri’s DEFENDER of the favicon is a simple remake of Eugene Jarvis’s classic shoot ‘em up. It’s 16×16, making it even smaller than the 18×18 games at guimp. It’s also in a friggin’ favicon.

The game works in Opera and Firefox, although Firefox 3 causes the game to hiccup. It doesn’t work at all in any version of Internet Explorer.

Mathieu is also responsible for the 4k Javascript FPS 3D TOMB II.

(Source: LaughingCrow, via Lithium Leaf)

TIGdb: Entries for DEFENDER of the favicon_, _3D TOMB II