Posts with ‘NepiaWorld’ Tag

Oldie-But-Goodie: Wire Robo

By: Derek Yu

On: July 18th, 2008

Wire Robo

Nepia World’s Wire Robo came out in 2002 but it’s a premise that’s as ancient as time immemorial: a giant mecha with a grappling hook head is controlled by a sleeping little girl and must save the universe. Being flung into the far reaches of space, your mech can’t move about directly – instead you have to use your head (heh) to grapple asteroids and enemies, using your angular momentum to propel you through the void (“Z” key).

The goal of each stage is to destroy the… I don’t know what you’d call them, space platforms? The platforms are immobile, but are surrounded by orbiting satellites which will fire on you if you get close. And if you grapple the platform itself, it can unleash more powerful attacks. To destroy them, use the arrow keys to change your direction – this will shoot a green blast from your hands that will zero in on your target.

Very, very awesome concept.

TIGdb: Entry for Wire Robo

(Thanks, gsilverfish! I think you’re the one that submitted this to the database.)