Posts with ‘Newgrounds’ Tag

Newgrounds Ad RevShare

By: Derek Yu

On: May 8th, 2009


Newgrounds creator Tom Fulp announced last month that the site would be extending its ad revenue sharing program to all users. I_smell mentioned this one the forums when it was first announced, but I missed it. He wrote:

If you make browser games, you know the Flash portal Newgrounds. They’ve had their own embedded ads service since about May 2008, but now they’ve kicked it up a notch. Newgrounds now automatically share their ad revenue whether you sign up for the ads or not.
For example- I made a game recently and got it sponsored by a third party. The terms were that I wasn’t allowed to embed any ads in the game. So I didn’t, there are no ads in the game. Now Newgrounds will pay me regardless just because my game’s on their site. Not just games either, ad impressions come from audio submissions, animations and even my damn userpage. I made 3 cents for having a blog. Thanks!

The site has a nice interface for tracking your earnings here. You can see an example of it here. Thanks, I_smell!

It’s cool that Newgrounds (still my favorite Flash portal) is doing this. Since this program’s been up for a month now, has anyone had or heard of any success with it? How does it compare to, say, Kongregate’s service and similar programs?