Posts with ‘PugFugly’ Tag

Return to Sector 9

By: Derek Yu

On: July 31st, 2007

Return to Sector 9

I was excited to play Return to Sector 9, because I had heard good things about the prequel. Having played it a bit, though, I’m a teensy bit disappointed.

My biggest complaint is the repetitiveness of the levels, due mainly to the lack of variety in the enemies. Every enemy moves basically the same way, fires in the same way, even from level to level… imagine going through 5 rounds of 5 waves per round of the same enemies, circle strafing them all to death and you get the picture.

My second biggest complaint is that my ship feels really clunky. Having gotten used to smaller hit boxes and faster moving ships from other shooters, the ships of RtS9 feel like giant space SUV’s.

I do, however, like the music and the way you can obtain new ships, colors, and modes through extensive play. And the bosses are genuinely interesting (although frustrating to fight because of how unwieldy your ship is). This is not a bad game, by any means. It’s just not as stellar an experience as it could be.

(Source: Indygamer)