Posts with ‘Sasakoge’ Tag


By: ithamore

On: June 26th, 2007

Meril is Sasakoge’s (translation) latest game. The main character is a little Japanese girl who must use her trusty clover chain to swing her around to collect all the durians (which look more like dust bunnies) before time runs out. There are 24 levels that incorporate just a few obstacles and badies well enough to keep things interesting. Each level requires a slightly different strategy to complete, and each feels like it has its own flow.

The gameplay is more intuitive than in the Vertical we covered last September, which was the first game I thought of when I began playing Meril. Some time ago, Alan Gordon released Vertical 0.6a with some nice additions such as space mode, but Meril is still more complete and fluid especially with game pad support. So, it would be better to compare it to Bionic Commando or to using the grappling hook in Super Metroid.

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Source: Vector-Game Reviews