Posts with ‘TheOddGentlemen’ Tag

The Release Date of P.B Winterbottom

By: Xander

On: January 15th, 2010


As reported today by the ever lovely Destructoid, The Misadventures of P.B Winterbottom will finally be released on the XBLA come Febuary 17th for 800MS points, which is probably something like $10. As I understand it the game is good enough to be deserving of any quoted sum. Regardless of your stance currently though a demo will naturally be released on the same day so if you aren’t happy putting down the money straight away then be sure to check it out then!

The one major grievance is that there doesn’t seem to be any news of a PC release. Given the amount of XBLA titles we see make the jump to PC, with relative ease too, it’s rather disappointing. Still it’s been a long road for The Odd Gentlemen and I’m glad they’ve finally reached the end of it. Expect impressions come release day.