Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth

By: Tim

On: May 26th, 2006

Fountain of YouthHere’s a freeware adventure game to whet the appetite while we patiently wait for the next unofficial King’s Quest installment.

Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth is a new game by Screen 7 featuring the immortal screen legend, back again with his trusty whip and fedora hat.

The quality of this work is amazing, owing much to the long beta test period that it had to go through before being released. An impressive effort that even hardcore LucasArts 2D adventure fans would approve of.

  • Shih Tzu

    …Let’s hope the full version makes it out into the wild before the swarms of LucasArts / Lucasfilm lawyers descend to wreak their bloody havoc.

  • Polecat

    Who knows? With KQIX being granted license, FoY may stand a chance. Terrifically done demo though!