dot fighters site launches

By: dessgeega

On: July 6th, 2006


i’ve already mentioned dot fighters, the latest project of ArmJoe developer takase. well, the official site just launched, featuring lots of screenshots and a new video.

i’m excited about this one, not just because of its pretty pixels but also because of its seeming minimalism: every fighting game archetype compressed into four characters, not including the boss (whom you may catch a glimpse of if you watch that most recent video). i’m curious to see how this game turns out!

(source: doujinaroni)

  • Derek

    haha, that looks awesome. I love the English voices.

  • N+6


  • http://nullness null

    Fix yer shift key, I saw no correct capitalization in the whole note, WHAT THE HECK?!

  • Teeth

    It looks terrific.

  • dessgeega

    the majority of those words have correct capitalization.

  • http://nullness null

    No, they don’t. It’s ‘I’ not ‘i’ and a capital goes after the ‘.’ and the ‘:’, not to mention it’s Takase not takase.

    But go on, keep being an ignorant, that’s what gaming needs, so someone can claim videogames make people ignorant and ban them for life mwahahaha!

  • void

    y-yeah. look out, poor grammar is going to destroy gaming! just like home taping.

  • Teeth

    hey. null and void! heh

  • o_o

    It’s pixelicious.

  • dogplanet

    |Games where the characters are at a different resolution to the background look ridiculous, see this a lot in western homebrew where the characters are at 200% size for some reason.