Shoot the Evil

By: Tim

On: August 8th, 2006


A trend presumably started by Postman from Shoot the Core, this peculiar gimmick of naming things really took off when Zun began shooting bullets.

Now we have Hyper Wars: The Mega Firestorm taking the Zero Wing route. Currently a work in progress, the author cites influences ranging from Truxton to Raiden and several other classic arcade shmups from the yesteryear. Imagine cramming them all into a Game Boy display and we have a basic idea of what this Game Maker effort is all about.

Standard power-ups and boss encounters like the one pictured above can all be expected out of this humorous production. But watch out for the strong language, though.

  • Dan

    Is it just me… or is that a giant vagina with cannons?!

  • Dustin

    It’s just you. Your crazy. I don’t see any vagina.

  • YES!

    INDEED! It’s a vagina, you wouldn’t know, geek, ‘cus you have never seen one, but I can even see what seems like hair on the right and left sides.

    And, this game is of a really slow pace, it bored me quickly…

  • Teeth

    You gotta start slow, and work your way gradually up to the frenetic climax. It takes patience and control, and probably a lot of sweat, but it’s worth going to the extra effort.

  • Tim W.

    It’s probably the easiest shmup I posted in a while. Sorry about the slow pace.

    I’ll post some extra difficult ones next. :)

  • Hunty

    Teeth said:

    You gotta start slow, and work your way gradually up to the frenetic climax. It takes patience and control, and probably a lot of sweat, but it’s worth going to the extra effort.

    Oh, so it IS a vagina!