Dexterity Is Dead

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: November 7th, 2006

No more!

I just noticed this, but Dexterity Software (Dweep, Dweep Gold, etc.) shut down a week ago after twelve lucrative years in the indie games business.

Sure, the site’s been essentially inactive for a long while now while its well-known and outspoken creator Steve Pavlina focused on his personal development/self help career (big money, apparently), but still… Why decide to kill the entire site — game downloads, insightful articles, and all?

Oh well. To Steve’s continued success, I say! He’ll always be an inspiration, game programmer or no.

Now back to your regularly scheduled flame war.

  • BMcC

    May all his conscious intentions manifest themselves!

    You know what I’m sayin’.

  • BMcC Fan

    slow news week huh… seems like a funeral parlour around here.

  • Albert Lai


    Had to be done. >_>

  • BMcC

    As long as he’s gay for *me.* <3

  • anonymous

    huh? I thought BMcC was a girl, what with the skirts and everything.

  • BMcC

    I get that a lot.

  • likely not Derek

    And I love running around naked with a behemoth to cover my nads.

  • Adrian Cummings

    Goodbye Steve and all the best!

    You invented Dweep and I invented Dweebs and may this timeless debate pass on with Dexterity once and for all :)



  • Hanford

    I had both of my games published by Steve (Rocknor’s Donut Factory and Rocknor’s Bad Day) and the royalties were slowly but consistently getting smaller and smaller every check. I think it probably became not worth it for him to maintain the bookkeeping and check mailing, what with his personal blog getting $200 a day in advertising, and all.

    Steve gave a lot to the indie game community, and I’m glad to have been a part of it. I’ll be self-publishing my next game.


  • Bruce

    Some “interesting” comments (eg. “I love running around naked with a behemoth to cover my nads”) on this blog post, heh. ;)

    If any of you were interested as to why Steve closed down Dexterity, you can read his reasoning here:

    — Bruce