Wii Stole it From Microsoft!

By: Shabadage

On: January 26th, 2007

According to this article, the following statement (Stolen directly from the article in question) is true.

“Nintendo has developed a programming system that will allow small independent developers to make games for Wii download service.

“We cannot confirm at this time in what format the new content will be delivered, but in the future there will be original games available for download through the Wii Shop.”

Is there perhaps an XNA competitor on the horizon from Nintendo? One can only hope so.

(Source: computerandvideogames.com)

  • Al3xand3r

    It would be cool to see what unique uses of the wiimote/nunchuck indie devs come up with. Of course, even if Nintendo doesn’t do this, they can always try it on PC…

  • Al3xand3r

    Great no bbcode… Someone fix the above post please… If anyone cares.

  • SixFootTallMidget

    I’m glad that Nintendo will be doing this. Though the virtual console is a good idea, it would be nice for some other content to be available for download.

  • http://rav.realitybytes.tk ravuya

    Sounds like a lot of fun; hopefully this is true.

    Looking forward to picking apart Nintendo’s stuff to port their tools to OS X.

  • haowan

    CVG is weaksauce.

    However, this is one rumour I am willing to get sucked into a bit.

    Nintendo have been talking from the start about allowing bedroom coders onto the console. Hopefully it wasn’t all hot air.

  • Toom

    Dudes, do you know how much a Wii dev kit costs? Last report I heard was something like $1500 US. That is a piffling sum for a development kit. That is four guys in a garage money. Even without an XNA-alike, I reckon there’s a big future for Wii homebrew.

  • raigan

    it may cost $1500, but I’m pretty sure you can’t just order one from Nintendo — you have to be affiliated with an approved publisher, or something along those lines.

  • Sergio

    Aquaria Wii FTW!

  • haowan

    Yes, becoming a Nintendo dev is much harder than you might think, trust me. Anything that can make that easier is a good thing.

  • Overzealous

    I’m going to port the Nintendo Dev Tools to TI-83!!! YEAH!