Dodge That Anvil!

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: January 30th, 2007

Dodge That Anvil!  Or, you know, don't.

I feel bad for posting this so late, considering Rabidlab was thoughtful enough to send us review copies as soon as it was released (thanks Rabidlab!), but better late than never, yeah?

Dodge That Anvil has been released in fully downloadable form!

Dodge That Anvil (if you haven’t played before) is a cartoony, energetic arcade-style game where you play as a rabbit (“the Harvester of Eastwarren”) on a daring mission to harvest carrots amidst a storm of, among other things, anvils.

The game stays fresh with a variety of items, powerups, etc. and is driven along by a colorful cast and humorous story. Though, what impressed me most about this game was the production. Dodge That Anvil’s high level of polish and quirky humor are reminiscent of Rare in its prime. The whole thing is just so tightly wound together.

Give it a try sometime. You know, if you’re not too busy.

  • Dan MacDonald

    I enjoyed it, it’s quirky and endearing. A concept that could only really materialize in an indie game. Very cool.

  • Poo Bear

    Nicely done, quite fun, clever idea. Has anyone bought it? I’m just wondering if there is enough here to convince someone or if this kind of thing only works on portals.

  • Ugh

    Almost as fun as solitaire…but not quite

  • BMcC

    @D-Mac: “Endearing” is a good way to describe it. It’s got a certain amount of character you don’t often see in a game.

    @Poo: Yeah, I wonder… It seems like a great game to buy for kids, though. Hopefully they’ll tap in to that market.

    @Whoever: It’s a lot like _doing your mom_ that way.