In The Pit

By: Albert Lai

On: March 11th, 2007

remember seeing In The Pit previewed
a while ago in one of the game magazines I stole off the shelves of SuperFresh
(As well as, but not limited to, a week old issue of Times, Reader’s Digest,
and three packs of Tic-Tacs. Score!) but it was only recently that
I’ve rediscovered the link and decided to try it out.

Then I found out I couldn’t, because it required an XBox 360 controller
to play. But, you may be asking me, why did you decide to post about this
on TIGSource without first making sure it is worth precious, precious time I
could be using to find other games/talk about Aquaria/sending money to TIGSource?

The answer:

In The Pit is an “audio-only” stealth action game, in which you play a nasty creature living at the bottom of a pit, hunting down people who fall in. The “audio-only” part means that there are absolutely no graphics at all.

So – very, very intriguing. If anyone is able to try this game out, give us
your impressions!

This also linked me to Sonic
– an audio-only take on Space Invaders. Needless to say, I didn’t
get too far (bombed out at around level 6), but I choose to blame my terrible
earbuds rather than my non-existent ability to pin-point positions based on
auditory cues. Games for the blind. Who-da-thunk-it?

Also! Shinji16 has pointed out a few more interesting games for the blind in
the comment section – Shades of Doom
and BSC Games among them!

The previous statement is not intended to be directly or
indirectly derogatory in relation to those who are visually impaired and/or
sensitive about those who are. etc. etc. etc. War is peace, freedom is slavery,
ignorance is strength.

  • Shinji16

    “Games for the blind. Who-da-thunk-it?”

    Actually, I was checking out that community for a while.

    Shades of Doom
    This game really helped get things moving. It’s basically an audio only Doom game.

    BSC Games
    Major audio game maker. I recommend Pipe2 Blast Chamber, just to get a feel for what audio games can really do.

    Great listing of audio games.

    Driving / arcade game – very good.

  • Albert Lai


    I’ll go point down to the comments section – really neat!

  • Anon

    I don’t see the point of making a PC game require a specific controller to play besides the keyboard/mouse, unless the game requires a rumble feature. Here’s to hoping keyboard functionality will be added in an update.

    “Only $30” is a bold statement from the creator, especially when not everyone has that kind of money to spare.

  • Impossible

    Beautiful screenshot.

  • Zmann

    The game does indeed require rumble. I luckily already had a 360 controller handy so I tried it out. The game itself is not all that interesting. I personally found this game:
    much more interesting, and it doesn’t require a controller.

  • Mr Circy

    I think the name should change.

  • Isador21

    Someone needs to make an ultra-intuitive horror game in the dark using only ambient sound, no voice at all.
    That would require a very very realistic soundtrack and lots of time for the recording.
    Audio games could change the world o_O.