
By: ithamore

On: April 24th, 2007

Mayoneez describes Kumoon

as “a hybrid of a third person shooter and a puzzle game.”
I prefer to call it the abandoned child that resulted from a one
night stand between a shooter and a game of billiards, but either
description is good enough.<img src=“http://farm1.static.flickr.com/209/467191645_1e2dab15ee_m.jpg” width=“240” height=“150” hspace=10 vspace=10 align=left alt=“kumoon” />

I like how the game makes light of shooters. The guns fire bouncy
balls instead of bullets. There is nearly no violence, and it’s
devoid of enemies. The boxes that count as targets must be shot
indirectly to achieve a positive score, which is necessary to reach
the next level. And it pokes fun at all the chick-with-a-gun centric
shooters out there, since the main character is a fluffy, yellow

Kumoon won first place in the GameDev competition at Assembly
in 2005. Last year’s winner was the previously covered Frets
on Fire
, which was updated once again and relocated
to SourceForge
last week.

If you’re interested in trying other entries from Assembly’s
competitions, the games for 2002-2006 are available at Mbnet.
Since the site is in Finnish, the games will be listed under headers of
pelikehityskompo, pelikehitys, or pelinkehitys. For those who are
easily intimidated by non-English websites, the Scene
also hosts the games in the public directory of their ftp site.
Luckily, most of the games’ readme files are in English despite where
they’re downloaded from.

Those contemplating the possibility of submitting a game for
Assembly’s Summer ‘07 should check out the GameDev
. The deadline is July 15, and, yes, there are prizes. Also,
those who are simply curious about attending Assembly’s next computer
festival in Finland with thousands of like-minded people should head
over to here.

  • iopred

    This was one of the first games posted on TigSource. Has it been updated or something?

  • Rz.

    indeed, this is VERY old and a repost

  • http://www.distractionware.com Echo

    This is a bit random, but isn’t Kumoon the Japanese word for “Asshole”? Or it “Associate”? I’ve got the weirdest recollection of reading that somewhere…

  • Derek

    It’s alright, since we don’t have it on the new TIGSource. :)

  • devin

    For more old assembly stuff: http://pouet.net/party.php?which=7&when=2006

  • http://ithamore.blogspot.com/ ithamore

    I guess I better scour through all the old posts at the Internet Archive next time, since the original post from before The Fall of the old TIGSource can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/yvsjja

  • siiseli

    if anyone was planning on coming to asm 07 we could meet up since im going there for the third time now ;) hope to see some of you there

  • RavenWorks

    Is it just me, or does this game become completely pointless as soon as you realise you can push all the red blocks over with the first white block you make? (Doubly so when you notice the bug that all red blocks knocked over by white blocks automatically get whatever combo multiplier you earned making that white block..)

  • http://ithamore.blogspot.com/ ithamore

    Yes, the pushing tactic does make the rooms that only have blocks on the ground very easy to beat. I used it myself after I got tired of the simpler rooms, since they seemed more like fillers. I didn’t mention it, since discovering tricks in a game on your own is always more fun than reading about them.

    If you don’t use the cheap hovering ability, some of the rooms can provide a bit of challenge. I played the whole game without it, and rooms 12 and 38 were very frustrating to complete without hovering.