Mr. Blocko – Super Tournament Edition!

By: Xander

On: November 22nd, 2007


Javet has started a very awesome Freeware Game of the day thread which I will in the future steal less liberally from. I figured I’d draw attention to it here because A) Javet is some kind of one man freeware archive, B) his freeware list is already filled with some fantastic games and C) our forums are awesome, and if you haven’t joined us there yet, then you really should.

The game I couldn’t resist posting about today is Mr. Blocko – Super Tournament Edition which actually is probably closer to a ‘Super Puzzle Fighter’ than Capcom’s own. As Javet puts it;

A mix of Driller and Tetris, all combined into a multiplayer/customizable/extremely fun game.

Is there much else to say about it? Honestly not really. Tetris blocks fall from the sky, and you and your friends/rivals have to shunt them about the place in order to create Tetris lines for points. At the same time of course you have to fight it out between each other by either clever manipulation of your surroundings, or through the less clever but more Yahtzee-approved method of what is commonly referred to as ‘a good old fashioned head-stomping’.

To me it’s a great game, but you may hate it. Which is fine, because the game is so entirely customisable that you can change an almost infinitesimal amount of the game. Double Jumps? Pssh, Octuple Rocket Jumps! Feel too much of a blockhead? Pile on the ninja gear or stuff a hominids skull-cap on your unsightly physique.

Massively customisable, hysterical multiplayer fun. And as such we learn that Javet is entirely indispensable, so despite living in the UK I’ll damn sure give thanks for that. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Now pass the TIGERSauce please…

  • Tanner

    I’ve known about this game for about a year now, and it’s one of my favorites. The only thing I wish it had was online. THAT would be almost as awesome as TIGERSauce. I really need to have more friends over to play this.

  • Javet

    Hooray! I’m popular! Thanks Derek for posting this. Mr. Blocko is really fun.

  • Javet

    I mean Xander. (With no offense to Derek)

  • Kenzya

    I saw Super Puzzle Fighter and I immediately downloaded it

    but.. what? It’s nothing like Super Puzzle Fighter. it’s tetris where each individual block can be moved.

    I didn’t find this very fun.

  • Tanner

    You obviously haven’t played multiplayer.

  • Javet

    Yeah. Even single multiplayer is fun (None of my friends were home, so I played 4-player multiplayer by myself. IT WAS HARD!)

  • Redhades

    Yeah I played that game a lot at some point. Really fun. Music is cool too.

  • raigan

    jon loves this game, but he’s wayyyyy too good at it.

  • jonathan mak

    oh man, i forgot all about this game! the scoring system is just genius how potential points shift back and forth between players.

  • Grindie

    Of all the screenshots you could hve posted, you posted my worst level theme.

    I mean, thanks for mentioning our game!

  • Phlog

    And thanks redhades for mentioning the music. I’m not especially proud of the score, as it feels very dated to me. But it fits, I think.