
By: Derek Yu

On: February 6th, 2008


StormWinds is a more action-oriented take on the ol’ “Defend the Castle” theme, letting you man up to four turrets to take down waves of flying/rolling contraptions. Turrets gain levels during battle and can be upgraded between waves. There are two types: active (which you control), and passive (which you don’t).

The game is beautiful, and really polished, but the actual gameplay feels repetitive. Unfortunately, the variety of options and opponents is fairly limited (although it can be expanded for $5 by buying the deluxe version). It gets most interesting when, in later campaigns, finding enemy weak points becomes more important to winning. I wish there were more tactical situations like that.

A lot of the fun of these types of games comes from the progression and upgrades. “Can I make a castle so impenetrable that I don’t even have to do anything myself?”
I appreciate that StormWind is trying to make a more active game, but to make it truly compelling for me, the action has to be much more interesting.

(Source: Jestyr, via Sensible Erection [NSFW])

  • v-rus

    I saw a friend of mine playing this a while back. It did look very polished, but, as you said, the gameplay was really repetitive.
    If only it had a bit more to it…

  • Nic

    Is it just me or does the game look a bit like Hammerfall?

  • Eclipse

    gradient filled graphics? it looks ugly

  • Trotim

    Yeah, it’s… interesting, but nothing I’d call “good” yet. D=

  • toastie

    The Georgina and Eliana posts are some kind of weird bots. Their blogs are identical and link to other identical creepy bot-blogs.

  • Zulgaines

    The tower upgrades are so slow, it takes five or six waves to afford a single upgrade besides “shoot slightly faster”.

  • rz.

    it looks hammerfall… but really ugly. whatever happened to that game anyways?

  • gnome

    Admittedly it is a very polished effort and sports some lovely art, but I didn’t really care for arcadey/Worms elements…

  • Demicol

    It looks great, and the gameplay is kinda fun, but the dual machine gun, a heavy cannon and damage buff brakes the game. The cannon is a damage sponge, and when you upgrade its health and upgrade the machine guns damage, you can kill pretty much everything before they even get a chance to shoot at you.

  • e

    @ Demicol

    Not in the later campaigns. In the last campaign it is all about missiles. Enemies start appearing that are too fast to accurately track with your machine gun (at least before they do lots of damage), and have armour that the machine gun cannot crack. Also, enemies target different guns, not just your most forward weapon.

    It’s good because you get comfortable in one campaign using certain weapons, and then have to learn new ones.


    The more towers you have the more the xp is divided between them. Take 2 to start and level them up a bit before getting more towers.

    The game is alright but somewhat poorly balanced. Many of the guns are useless or require too much xp to become useful. Also, money is no object really as you generally don’t want to sell your upgraded towers.

    The later levels are pretty frantic with the amount of enemies and guns you have to juggle. Which I did find made it a bit laggy for me. It’s good though, I found it a challenging enough without being dumb. I also liked the graphics. Cartoony and simple, but cool. And steampunk rules.

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