Sixty Five Million and One BC

By: Derek Yu

On: May 16th, 2008

Sixty Five Million and One BC

There’s definitely some kind of dinosaur revival going on here! Thanks to MisterX for letting us know that the full version of Raptor 2 is out, except it’s now called Sixty Five Million and One BC. The original Raptor was well-regarded in the Game Maker community for its nice graphics, humorous storyline, and technical achievements. In the game you played a sassy velociraptor sent out to rescue some raptor eggs that were stolen by pterodactyls.

Sixty Five Million and One BC is very similar, but looks and plays even better. Your raptor has more moves now, but retains the same great dino feel that he had in the first game… kind of dexterous and ungainly at the same. This time you’re trying to build a machine to save the planet from an incoming meteor, and the narrative provides plenty of opportunities for tongue-in-cheek jokes, breaking of the fourth wall, and occasional pop culture references.

The game’s not without its flaws, however – there are spots where trying to finesse a big dinosaur can be a pain, especially when there are all manner of little beasties trying to hurt you and knock you off of trees. And the graphics, while better than Raptor’s, are still much too brown/bland-looking for my taste. I would have much preferred a more colorful prehistoric world to romp around in. Ah, well!

The full version of the game is roughly 4 times the size of the demo, and is going for twenty dinosaur eggs ($20).

  • Godbotherer

    Dinosaurs never existed, it’s all a conspiracy concocted by Satanists. The Earth’s only 6000 years old for goodness sake!

  • torncanvas

    Also, in other dino-related news. Kieron Gillen from RPS pointed out that the Jetpack Brontosaurus alpha is out:

  • MisterX

    I’m not yet sure if I’m going to buy this, but I really like it a lot. Especially the very nice soundtrack (can be listened to on the homepage) and the great humour made it for me. The controls aren’t a real problem once you’ve got accustomed to it, I just think that the platforming itself is not the best. Then again it is far from being bad, as well. I just wonder why the graphics are this bald for a big part, as for example the animations are really nice and fluent. Even only a more varied ground-texture could have made a rather big difference, I guess.

    Anyway, this game is really fun and especially funny, I’m glad that you featured it :)

  • PHeMoX

    These raptors climb trees, yup they are tree-climbing raptors. Niiiiiiiiiice. :p

  • TwiTerror

    Is that a comic sans ms at the top of the page? O_O

  • Zeno

    I wish you guys would put the price first so I know to not bother reading the rest of the article…

  • dotstripe

    @Zeno: Just put your monitor upside down.

  • BeamSplashX

    That’s favoritism towards people that can read!

  • Lim-Dul

    Fun game – especially for the humor – but not worth $20 to me. Seen enough in the demo. =)

  • Steven Spielberg

    Dinosaurs never existed, it’s all a conspiracy concocted by the toy and film industries so they can sell us more junk. Someone is laughing all the way to the bank!

  • Neddo

    Is this game even actually finished? Twice I’ve played it, and twice I’ve had to quite because of a game-stopping bug. The first time I somehow climbed inside of a wall and became stuck; the second time I was fighting the Forest Boss when he became stuck on a tree while in his spiky-ball form. Please tell me the version people have paid for actually had some more bug testing.

  • Chris

    Great presentation, but I get pretty bad frame rates. Not enough to be unplayable, but enough to make me vaguely queasy. This is on a pretty beefy laptop (2.4 ghz core2 duo with an 256mb Nvidia 8600M GT). I don’t know if that’s a game maker issue or what. I even tried turning off alpha and particle effects and it didn’t seem to help. I like the writing/music, and might even consider buying it if it ran better.