Tactical Assassin 2

By: Derek Yu

On: May 20th, 2008

Tactical Assassin 2

I suppose while we’re on the topic of shooting people, let’s talk about Tactical Assassin 2! It’s a sniper game that spans nine missions (including the initial training mission). Before each mission you are given a briefing, which usually includes useful intel about your target.

The main difference between TA2 and its prequel (aside from the difference in which side you’re fighting for) is that TA2 has a store where you can buy ammunition and equipment: rifles, scopes, accessories, and diazepam (to steady your aim). It’s neat, but ultimately it’s fairly useless, since very few of the missions require really great aim or reflexes. For the most part, this is a puzzle game that involves shooting.

Don’t get me wrong, though, I think the puzzle aspect is really interesting. I just wish there was more skill involved in the actual sniping. The training feels like a bit of a farce.

(Source: Tim, via the IndieGames.com blog)

  • Trotim

    Hooray! Advertise Kongregate a bit more!

  • Trotim

    But! The game itself is… decent at best. The mouse controls are very flawed, I keep leaving the screen =/

  • raelz

    Yeah the leaving of screen is annoying. and also… I CANT DO LEVEL 6 FOR GODS SAKE!!!

  • ellipsis

    hooray for wii

  • Zaphos

    I’d be fine leaving the skill out of sniping — actually I think it’d be more fun without the store, with even less skill in sniping, but with a real focus on making actual puzzles out of the levels.

  • AmnEn

    It is hella bugged sadly :/
    But nonetheless a nice yet short Puzzle Game. I beat it but not with a High Score hehe.

  • http://doomlaser.com Golds

    what are you supposed to shoot in level 9 anyway? I shot just about everything and the guards didn’t care.

  • http://www.g4g.it FireSword

    Kongregate made a really great site for kids. i see nothing wrong with that.

  • IndieJoJo



    *”There is a man that works for the Iraqi Forensics division who is investigating many recent bombings that were caused by the Free Motive Group militia. He is dangerously close to completing his investigations and needs to be eliminated.”*


    *”There is a man in the F.M.G. militia who refers to himself as the “boom-man” and is regarded as the highest ranked assassin with explosives in all of Iraq. His bombings have claimed the lives of over 150 of the F.M.G.’s targets. His newest assignment is to rig an Iraqi political officer’s vehicle with a remote charge that he will detonate…”*

    Why does TIGSource hate freedom?

  • Exoduster

    Blargh. Is it just me, or is there no way to actually get a “game over”? I ran out of money and bullets (Well, actually, I had one, but despite the single target mission I apparently needed two), and was perpetually stuck on the menu screen.

    Also, Kongregate needs a way to turn off that obnoxious chat room.

  • Joola

    Strange the training is the hardest mission of all…

  • Xotes

    @ IndieJoJo: I respectfully disagree.

    We don’t hate freedom. Hell, I love freedom, because it’s better than being stuck in China and having a site like this blocked because the government went and looked at it and proclaimed that it corrupted the youth.

    Besides, this game DOESN’T support terrorism. Your character in it is a freelance operative and takes these jobs because he needs money. You may not agree with it, but that’s no reason to say that TIGS hates freedom.

  • IndieJoJo

    @ Xotes:

    I’m being semi-sarcastic with the ‘hate freedom’ remark. However, throughout the course of the game, the player-character (YOU) are rewarded monetarily for carrying out terrorist acts. The last mission, in particular, has you helping out a man who has, presumably, bombed countless innocent civilians.

    So… how does this game **NOT** support terrorism?

    If it’s making a point about the rough and tumble life of a freelance mercenary, how anyone’s values are up for sale to the highest bidder, it’s completely lost on me.

    And yes, I know, we live in a free country with freedom of speech, yadda yadda… but if this concept was taken further (imagine voice acting and lifelike depictions of characters), and this game would be probably have a sidebar in Time magazine.

  • Derek

    Yeah, I noticed that, too, and was going to mention it in the post, but forgot. In the first game you’re fighting against the militia, though.

    I’ll make a quick edit to the post to note both of those things.

  • Sam

    How do i beat the boomb man lvl? i shot the bottles, and the panel thing but wuts first

  • Xotes


    Hmm… You have me beat, there. I concede the point to you.

    (This is just to tie up loose ends.)

  • dan

    shoot the tree!