Commonplace Book Compo: Voting Begins!

By: Derek Yu

On: December 9th, 2008

The Commonplace Book Competition has ended, and voting has begun! The theme of this particular competition was Lovecraft… specifically, his Commonplace Book, a notebook filled with disjointed notes for stories that never were. Originally set for a ooohhh creepy deadline of October 31st, we pushed back the deadline to November to give our entrants more time to work on their games. Because true horror occurs every day of the year, folks.

With Lovecraft as inspiration, it’s not surprising that atmosphere played heavily into the minds of the developers who entered this particular compo. But, as usual, it’s great to see the variety of ways in which this was achieved – with graphics, gameplay, sound, story or a minimum of them! There were even a fair number of interactive fiction entries, which are always welcome – it’s still a very much under-appreciated genre (note to self: cover more IF games).

Anyway, _mirosurabu_’s video above probably sums it up better than I could! And thanks to increpare, for finalizing the list of finished entries, and azeo for creating the torrent. And thanks, of course, to all the participants, for doin’ it. Time to play and vote!

  • n

    quite a few games involving invisible things which need to be shot or bumped into in order to find them. looking good nonetheless!

  • moogled

    great to see the entries in a video compilation!

  • !CE-9

    Mirosabu spells awesome.=) thanks for making the video.

  • rndll

    Hassle killed me.