Let’s Jump! – Trailer

By: Xander

On: August 10th, 2009

Hideous and ‘Andy Wolff’ have been hard at work on an awesome flash game entitled ’Let’s Jump!’, which is all about the thrills of throwing yourself into the sky and gunning down all manner of winged critters before landing effortlessly on the earth with the graceful elegance you would expect from anything you threw out of an airplane 10,000 metres in the air.

Sadly, we can’t play it yet because the game is still looking for a sponsor. This is distressing, as I really want to play it, so if anyone could solve that problem they would forever be a swellephant in my book. For now, enjoy the music.

  • sinoth

    Sponsor a coffee break flash game? Am I missing something or does that sound a little ridiculous. I’m assuming ‘sponsor’ means ‘give us moneys’.

  • not ridiculous

    need a sponsor for flash games to make money. almost everyone does it. example of a sponsor: crazy monkey games. the sponsor gets their name at the beginning and then gives money for every unique play to the creator. standard procedure.

  • http://kongregate.com soccerKickr2012

    OMG, this looks awesome! I’m telling all my friends about this, can’t wait to play it. I play lots of flash games and all my friends play flash games and this gmae i’ll definitely play a lot and rate highly. 5/5!

  • Kneecaps

    Yeah, people should hope that all decent games receive sponsors. After all, sponsor logos are far less annoying than ads. >:/

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    sinoth it’s you sounding a little ridiculous… Visit every flash games portal and you’ll find tons of sponsored games

  • genericlogin

    Ads in flash games are pretty innocuous IMHO. i.e. mochiads

  • Noyb

    I hope this game gets a sponsor soon.

  • Anthony Flack

    Love the music.

  • someone

    I’m glad I didn’t draw a ship when they asked for submissions, after all, I would probably not have seen any money.
    Also : My first skydiving academy ripoff.

  • http://lumberingdream.com/ !CE-9

    _Glad_ is not what I am about not getting around to drawing a ship for them (I was also asked and was going to do, for no moneys).

    However, I’m guessing (can’t help it) it would’ve been only fair of the developers to point out to the peeps they’ve asked for contributions, that the game will be sponsored. Other words? I would’ve felt kinda cheated doing free stuff for someone who have omitted telling me that they’re going to use it in a product that’s commercial in a way or another.

    It’s not about feeling left out or anything, I don’t reckon the ad/sponsorship revenues are that huge. It’s just the gesture of openness/honesty. If community game development wants to be different from the corporate scene, being more open/honest to each other is certainly a way to go.

    That said, the game looks fun (so did play the early version I got a chance to test); good luck with finding the needed sponsors.

  • Foppy

    Surely there must be some “Rescue your Mistress” RPG banners with half naked ladies around they can use.

  • Foppy

    On the other hand, don’t want to sound too negative on this Tuesday morning, I like the idea of jumping out of planes, shooting. ;)

  • http://0xdeadc0de.org Eclipse

    @someone: fuck off troll

  • http://xspblog.com XSportSeeker

    Is it that hard to get a sponsor?
    Serious question.

    I thought on some portals it was kinda like a process of just following some directions (like including this or that animation/logo at the start), and just publishing it.
    The pay off would come according to the game access and ranking afterwards.

  • http://mile222.com aeiowu


    it’s actually you who are being super selfish and against the whole idea of community. It’s not like Hideous and Andy were plotting to profit off of anyone in the community.

    chill the fuck out and be happy for them _if_ they find a sponsor.

  • Andy Wolff

    Thanks for the interest and the comments, guys.

    @!CE-9: I definitely see what you mean. I never thought about it that way and I’m sorry if you’re offended. We just thought people might have fun drawing planes for the game, so we gave them the option. It wasn’t some greedy attempt to leech off the community or anything. Or at least it certainly wasn’t meant to be

    @XSportSeeker: Yeah I thought it was easier to do as well…

  • http://lumberingdream.com/ !CE-9

    @Andy: thanks for understanding. My point was not _leeching_ or _greed_ rather than solely being clear on the conditions before work has begun, not for any gains, but for the principle.

    My wording has left plenty of space for different interpretations. I do apologize for that.