TIGCompo: Sports

By: Derek Yu

On: October 31st, 2012

TIGSource Sports Compo

After almost two years without a TIGCompo… we finally have a new TIGCompo. The theme? SPORTS.

Since it’s been awhile, let me just provide a quick overview: the objective of a TIGSource Competition is to make a game (or two) in the allotted time (in this case, a month). There are no prizes involved, but a number of the previous entries have become successful commercial titles, like Envirobear 2000 (Cockpit Compo) and Realm of the Mad God (Assemblee Compo). The main thing, though, is to have a good time with your fellow entrants and try to finish something!

With so much potential in the theme of SPORTS, I think this is going to be a good one. Let’s do it! (And happy Hallowe’en!)

  • Sigvatr

    pixel art saved in jpeg format here we come

  • http://twitter.com/McFunkypants Christer Kaitila

    YAY a new TIGCompo… And a super fun theme. I’d love to see some nonconventional sports games – don’t bother competing with EA on realism – perhaps things like Football in space, Underwater Hockey, Full Contact Darts, Rocket Launcher Baseball, Kitten Olympics, World Championship Beatboxing, Tai Chi Deathmatch, Stunt Speed Walking, etc. =)

  • Crimsontide

    NO NO NO… 1 month earlier… or 1 month later. But not now!!!
    /temper tantrum
    I so wanted to do another one…

  • News

    spuoots, oll spuoots

  • News

    Chacarron cover artist

  • http://twitter.com/gnomeslair Gnome

    Joy, oh joy!

  • Jews

    just stop posting

  • News

    piss off Mordechai

  • ChrisD

    midget throwing allowed?

  • asdfasdf

    Why the HUMONGO gap between TIGCompos?

  • Somenerd


  • Aru

    I hope there’s a Mutant League Football inspired game, looking forward non-conventional sports games. Happy to see a new compo too, hopefully there will be more to come.

  • goodjobderekyouruinedit

    nerds don’t play sports. what the fuck are you thinking TIGSource? this compo is a disaster

  • Mitch
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