Penumbra: Overture

By: Brandon McCartin (BMcC)

On: October 11th, 2006

Hey, barrels can be scary too.

Spurred on by the success of their first-person survival horror game/tech demo Penumbra, Frictional Games has announced they’re developing a full commercial trilogy of games in the Penumbra universe, the first of which being Penumbra: Overture.

The game is due to drop “Q1” 2007, which I guess is Spring, but I don’t really know and I don’t feel like Googling it even though I could’ve done just that instead of typing this exposition.

Through a deal with Lexicon Entertainment the game will be available “in stores world-wide” for a retail price of €19.99 (or $328.35 USD). Now you can pay to have Penumbra crash your system! Ha ha, I kid. You go, Frictional Games!

  • BMcC

    FUN FACT: The retail price is _actually_ around $25 USD.

  • Sergio

    Hmm… Penumbra with locations that actually look different could be an interesting game…