Castle Crashin’ at PAX

By: Derek Yu

On: September 10th, 2006


Joystiq has some reportage going on about Castle Crashers, the new XBox 360 (and maybe PS3?) beat-em-up by Behemoth.

The game definitely looks like some oldschool fun, and I was heartened when I saw the first demo at San Diego Comicon a couple years back and talked to Tom Fulp a bit about it. Tom was like, “did you catch the reference at the beginning of the game?” (He was referring to the opening cutscene where the evil dark knight walks up to the princess, punches her in the stomach, and then carries her off on his shoulder.) And I was like, “Yeah, man! Double Dragon!”

And then we both looked into each other’s eyes and I swear to god, we were about to kiss, but then we both quickly turned away and I awkwardly stumbled off, mumbling something about “going to check out some booth babes.”

It’s the kind of thing that probably happens at fraternity houses all the time.

  • Dan MacDonald

    I saw that game at pax, it had quite a crowd of people playing it rather intensely. It played a little more like final fight then double dragon.

  • xvs07

    I got a chance to play it for a good bit when I was there. It reminded me of lots of things, but not terribly much of Final Fight. It has a magic system which not only functions as a smart bomb, but can also put power behind any of your basic actions. Speaking of basic actions, you have lots of them, kinda like Shadow over Mystara, whose combat Castle Crashers most resembles. I was really jazzed halfway through when I figured out that I could do floaty air combos a la Devil May Cry. In fact, I was jazzed by the whole deal, and I’ll be buying it.

  • Ryan in exile

    gametrailers has some video shot off screen

  • woot

    I assume everyone here has played “dad n me” on newgrounds (posted on this site back in the old days before the death and resurrection of tigsource).

    Supposedly, an early test of the combo techniques they wanted to use for castle crashers. Playable for free at newgrounds. Major hoot….

  • Teeth

    Yeah, the gameplay stuff looks great – maybe a bit too much going on to really see what you’re doing, especially in 4 player mode. Super Smash Brothers Melee has similar problems. It’s still a buy. Reminds me (much) more of Golden Axe than Final Fight or Double Dragon.

  • Dan MacDonald

    Golden Axe is a good comparison.